diff --git a/js/plists/CamPList.js b/js/plists/CamPList.js
index a1229720cdd0a77ae62250d736e78c8cdfae7679..5bf6aeaf74c9e3c2bf66d9d88801689fc9883d9c 100644
--- a/js/plists/CamPList.js
+++ b/js/plists/CamPList.js
@@ -30,111 +30,276 @@ define(['three'], function(THREE){
             stapler: {
                 name: "Dual Head Stapler",
+                translation: {
+                    x: 11.43,
+                    y: -61.93,
+                    z: -5.06
+                },
+                scale: 0.7874,
+                rotation: {
+                    x: 1.5707963267948966,
+                    y: 0,
+                    z: 0
+                },
                 shouldPickUpStock: false,
                 relative: false,
-                camProcesses: ["gcode"],
+                camProcesses: [
+                    "gcode"
+                ],
                 numMaterials: 2,
-                translation: {x:11.43,y:-61.93,z:-5.06},
-                rotation: {x:Math.PI/2,y:0,z:0},//Math.PI/2
-                scale: 0.7874,
                 components: {
                     xAxis: {
+                        id: "xAxis",
                         name: "X Axis",
-                        rotary: false,
-                        //minBound
-                        //maxBound
+                        children: [
+                            "zAxis"
+                        ],
                         parent: "yAxis",
-                        motionVector: {x:1, y:0, z:0},
+                        translation: {
+                            x: 15.651968503937008,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        scale: 1,
+                        rotation: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        rotary: false,
+                        motionVector: {
+                            x: 1,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
                         stl: {
                             filename: "assets/stls/stapler/xAxis.stl"
-//                            offset: {x:0,y:0,z:0},
-//                            scale: 1.0,
-//                            rotation: {x:0,y:0,z:0}
                     frame: {
+                        id: "frame",
                         name: "Y Axis",
-                        rotary: false,
-                        //minBound
-                        //maxBound
+                        children: [
+                            "yAxis"
+                        ],
                         parent: "substrate",
-                        motionVector: {x:0, y:1, z:0},
+                        translation: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        scale: 1,
+                        rotation: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        rotary: false,
+                        motionVector: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 1,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
                         stl: {
                             filename: "assets/stls/stapler/yAxis.stl"
                     zAxis: {
+                        id: "zAxis",
                         name: "Z Axis",
-                        rotary: false,
-                        //minBound
-                        //maxBound
+                        children: [
+                            "stock1",
+                            "stock2"
+                        ],
                         parent: "xAxis",
-                        motionVector: {x:0, y:0, z:1},
+                        translation: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 7.874015748031496
+                        },
+                        scale: 1,
+                        rotation: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        rotary: false,
+                        motionVector: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 1
+                        },
                         stl: {
                             filename: "assets/stls/stapler/zAxis.stl"
                     yAxis: {
+                        id: "yAxis",
                         name: "Frame",
-                        rotary: false,
-                        //minBound
-                        //maxBound
+                        children: [
+                            "xAxis"
+                        ],
                         parent: "frame",
-                        motionVector: {x:0, y:1, z:0},
-//                        isStatic: true,
+                        translation: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 18.194488188976376,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        scale: 1,
+                        rotation: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        rotary: false,
+                        motionVector: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 1,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
                         stl: {
                             filename: "assets/stls/stapler/frame.stl"
                     substrate: {
+                        id: "substrate",
                         name: "Substrate",
+                        children: [
+                            "frame"
+                        ],
+                        parent: "",
+                        translation: {
+                            x: 9,
+                            y: 9.5,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        scale: 1,
+                        rotation: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
                         rotary: true,
-                        centerOfRotation: {x:9,y:9.5,z:0},//(5.08mm, 5.715mm)
-                        //minBound
-                        //maxBound
-                        parent: null,
-                        motionVector: {x:0, y:0, z:1},
+                        motionVector: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 1
+                        },
+                        centerOfRotation: {
+                            x: 9,
+                            y: 9.5,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
                         stl: {
                             filename: "assets/stls/stapler/substrate.stl"
-                stock:{
+                stock: {
                     stock1: {
-                        description:{
-                            materialName: "fiberGlass",
-                            length: 4
-                        },
+                        id: "stock1",
                         name: "Stock 1",
+                        children: [],
                         parent: "zAxis",
-                        translation: {x:0,y:0,z:0}
+                        translation: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        scale: 1,
+                        rotation: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        motionVector: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        description: {
+                            materialName: "fiberGlass",
+                            length: 4
+                        }
                     stock2: {
-                        description:{
-                            materialName: "brass",
-                            length: 4
-                        },
+                        id: "stock2",
                         name: "Stock 2",
+                        children: [],
                         parent: "zAxis",
-                        translation: {x:26,y:0.236,z:0}
+                        translation: {
+                            x: 26,
+                            y: 0.236,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        scale: 1,
+                        rotation: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        motionVector: {
+                            x: 0,
+                            y: 0,
+                            z: 0
+                        },
+                        description: {
+                            materialName: "brass",
+                            length: 4
+                        }
-                lattice:{
+                tree: {
+                    substrate: 0,
+                    frame: 1,
+                    yAxis: 2,
+                    xAxis: 3,
+                    zAxis: 4,
+                    stock1: 5,
+                    stock2: 5
+                },
+                lattice: {
                     scale: 1.27,
-                    units: 'mm'
+                    units: "mm"
                 defaults: {
                     camStrategy: "raster",
-                    placementOrder: "XYZ",//used for raster strategy entry
+                    placementOrder: "XYZ",
                     camProcess: "gcode",
-                    rapidHeight: 30,
+                    rapidHeight: 20,
                     rapidHeightRelative: true,
                     safeHeight: 4,
-                    originPosition: new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0),
-                    rapidSpeeds:{xy: 250, z: 250},
-                    feedRate:{xy: 100, z: 100}
+                    originPosition: {
+                        x: -15,
+                        y: -4,
+                        z: 0
+                    },
+                    rapidSpeeds: {
+                        xy: 250,
+                        z: 250
+                    },
+                    feedRate: {
+                        xy: 100,
+                        z: 100
+                    }
-                customPost: {}
+                customPost: {
+                    customFunctionsContext: {
+                        zClearHeight: 8,
+                        zPreload: 0.2,
+                        stockWait: 0.75,
+                        blOvershoot: 1,
+                        place: 1
+                    },
+                    customHeader: "function (exporter, settings, context, self){\n    var data = \"\";\n    data += exporter.setUnits(settings.units);\n    data += self.customHome(exporter, settings, context);\n    return data;\n}",
+                    customFooter: "function (exporter, settings, context, self){\n    var data = \"\";\n    data += self.customHome(exporter, settings, context);\n    return data;\n}",
+                    customHome: "function (exporter, settings, context, self){\n    var data = \"\";\n    data += exporter.goHome(settings);\n    return data;\n}",
+                    customPickUpStock: "function (exporter, settings, context, self){//not relevant for your assembler\n    var data = \"\";\n    return data;\n}",
+                    customChangeZLayer: "function (currentIndex, lastIndex, exporter, settings, context, self){\n    var data = \"\";\n    if (lastIndex === null || (currentIndex.z-lastIndex.z)%2 != 0){\n        data += exporter.addLine(\"G0\", [\"A\" + ((currentIndex.z+1)%2*0.3125).toFixed(4)], \"new layer\");\n        data += \"\\n\";\n    }\n    return data;\n}",
+                    customMoveXY: "function (position, lastPosition, index, exporter, settings, context, self){//already offset for dual heads\n    var data = \"\";\n\n    var overshoot = false;\n    var overshootPosition = position.clone();\n\n    //always approach from +x +y direction\n    if (lastPosition.x < position.x){\n        overshoot = true;\n        overshootPosition.x += context.blOvershoot;\n    }\n\n    if (lastPosition.y < position.y){\n        overshoot = true;\n        overshootPosition.y += context.blOvershoot;\n    }\n\n    if (overshoot){\n      data += exporter.rapidXY(overshootPosition, settings);\n    }\n    data += exporter.rapidXY(position, settings);\n\n    return data;\n}",
+                    customPlacePart: "function (position, index, material, exporter, settings, context, self){//already offset for dual heads\n    var data = \"\";\n    data += exporter.rapidZ(position.z + settings.safeHeight, settings);\n    data += exporter.moveZ(position.z - context.zPreload, settings);\n\n  \tif (context.place == 1) {\n    \tif (material == \"brass\") data += exporter.addLine(\"M3\");\n    \telse if (material == \"fiberGlass\") data += exporter.addLine(\"M4\");\n\n    \tdata += exporter.addLine(\"G4\", [\"P\" + context.stockWait]);\n    \tdata += exporter.addLine(\"M5\");\n    }\n    data += exporter.addComment(JSON.stringify(index));//leave this, tells sim to show cell\n\n    data += exporter.moveZ(position.z - context.zPreload, settings);//need this line?\n\n    data += exporter.moveZ(position.z + settings.safeHeight, settings);\n    data += exporter.rapidZ(position.z + context.zClearHeight, settings);\n    return data;\n}",
+                    customCalcPositionOffsets: "function (index, position, material, settings, context, self){\n    //this feeds into moveXY and placePart functions\n\n    position.sub(settings.originPosition);\n\n    if (index.z%2 == 0){\n        //offset for rotation\n        var offset = self.components.substrate.centerOfRotation.clone().multiplyScalar(settings.scale);//offset in lattice pitch\n        var dist = position.clone().sub(offset);\n        var temp = offset.add(new THREE.Vector3(-dist.y, dist.x-.385, position.z));\n    \ttemp.x -= 19.685;\n      \ttemp.y -= 0.25;\n      \tposition.x = temp.x*1.00426509 + temp.y*0.00845728 + 19.685;\n      \tposition.y = -0.022965*temp.x + 0.99985418*temp.y + 0.25;\n    } else {\n        //position.y -= 0.25;\n        //position.x -= settings.scale;\n      \ttemp = position;\n      \tposition.x = temp.x*0.99912511 + temp.y*0.01588617;\n      \tposition.y = -0.01224847*temp.x + 1.00483492*temp.y;\n    }\n\n    var stock = _.find(self.stock, function(thisStock){\n        return thisStock.getMaterial() == material\n    });\n    if (stock === undefined) {\n        console.warn(\"no stock defined of type \" + material + \" for this assembler\");\n        return null;\n    }\n\n\n    position.sub(stock.getPosition().multiplyScalar(settings.scale));\n\n    return position;\n}"
+                }
                 name: "Mojo",