From 21a81fe6263f31198acc363e915ca89bd7e6d24b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Amanda Ghassaei <>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 10:34:29 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] eod

 index.html                    |   3 +-
 js/cells/DMACell.js           |  72 +++++------------------
 js/cells/DMAParentCell.js     |  62 ++++++++++++++++++++
 js/cells/DMASuperCell.js      | 101 --------------------------------
 js/cells/GIKCell.js           |  24 ++------
 js/lattice/GIKLattice.js      |   2 +-
 js/supercells/GIKSuperCell.js | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 192 insertions(+), 179 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 js/cells/DMAParentCell.js
 delete mode 100644 js/cells/DMASuperCell.js
 create mode 100644 js/supercells/GIKSuperCell.js

diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 454c423f..f8653968 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -44,13 +44,14 @@
     <script src="js/fea/DmaNode.js"></script>
     <script src="js/fea/DmaBeam.js"></script>
+    <script src="js/cells/DMAParentCell.js"></script>
     <script src="js/cells/DmaCell.js"></script>
     <script src="js/cells/OctaFaceCell.js"></script>
     <script src="js/cells/OctaEdgeCell.js"></script>
     <script src="js/cells/OctaRotEdgeCell.js"></script>
     <script src="js/cells/OctaVertexCell.js"></script>
-    <script src="js/cells/DMASuperCell.js"></script>
+    <script src="js/supercells/GIKSuperCell.js"></script>
     <script src="js/cells/DMACellFreeform.js"></script>
     <script src="js/cells/CubeCell.js"></script>
diff --git a/js/cells/DMACell.js b/js/cells/DMACell.js
index 688a09d8..e27013a4 100644
--- a/js/cells/DMACell.js
+++ b/js/cells/DMACell.js
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ function DMACell(indices){
     //object 3d is parent to all 3d elements related to cell, parts, beams, nodes, etc
     this.object3D = this._buildObject3D();
     this._addMeshes(this._buildMesh(), this.object3D);//build cell meshes
-    globals.three.sceneAdd(this.object3D, this._getSceneType());
+    if (!this.superCell) globals.three.sceneAdd(this.object3D, this._getSceneType());
+DMACell.prototype = Object.create(DMAParentCell.prototype);
 DMACell.prototype._getSceneType = function(){//todo need this?
     if (this.indices) return "cell";
@@ -29,43 +30,15 @@ DMACell.prototype._buildObject3D = function(){
     return object3D;
-DMACell.prototype._rotateCell = function(object3D){
-    return object3D;//by default, no mesh transformations
-DMACell.prototype._translateCell = function(object3D){
-    var position = globals.lattice.getPositionForIndex(this.indices);
-    object3D.position.set(position.x, position.y, position.z);
-    return object3D;
-DMACell.prototype._addMeshes = function(meshes, object3D){//accepts an array or a single mesh
-    this._addRemoveMeshes(true, meshes, object3D);
-DMACell.prototype._removeMeshes = function(meshes, object3D){//accepts an array or a single mesh
-    this._addRemoveMeshes(false, meshes, object3D);
-DMACell.prototype._addRemoveMeshes = function(shouldAdd, meshes, object3D){//accepts an array or a single mesh
-    if (object3D === undefined) object3D = this.object3D;
-    if (meshes.constructor === Array){
-        _.each(meshes, function(mesh){
-            if (shouldAdd) object3D.add(mesh);
-            else object3D.remove(mesh);
-        });
-    } else if (shouldAdd) object3D.add(meshes);
-    else object3D.remove(meshes);
-DMACell.prototype._buildMesh = function(){//called from every subclass
+DMACell.prototype._buildMesh = function(){
     var geometry = this._getGeometry();
     var meshes = [];
     var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, cellMaterial); = "cell";
+    meshes.push(mesh);
     var wireframe = this._buildWireframe(mesh, geometry);
+    if (!wireframe) return meshes; = "cell";
-    meshes.push(mesh);
     return meshes;
@@ -78,6 +51,17 @@ DMACell.prototype._initParts = function(){
     return [];//override in subclasses
+DMACell.prototype.setSuperCell = function(superCell, index){
+    this.superCell = superCell;
+    this.superCellIndex = index;
+    if (this.superCellIndex == this.superCell.getLength()) this.mesh.rotateZ(Math.PI);
+    if (globals.appState.get("cellMode")=="part") {
+ = this.__initParts();
+        this.draw();
+    }
 DMACell.prototype.setMode = function(mode){
     if (mode === undefined) mode = globals.appState.get("cellMode");
@@ -107,30 +91,6 @@ DMACell.prototype.setMode = function(mode){
-DMACell.prototype.hide = function(){
-    this.object3D.visible = false;
- = function(mode){
-    this.object3D.visible = true;
-    this.setMode(mode);
-DMACell.prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity){
-DMACell.prototype.getPosition = function(){
-    return this.object3D.position.clone();
-DMACell.prototype.getQuaternion = function(){
-    return this.object3D.quaternion.clone();
-DMACell.prototype.getEuler = function(){
-    return this.object3D.rotation.clone();
 DMACell.prototype.xScale = function(){
     return globals.lattice.xScale(0);
diff --git a/js/cells/DMAParentCell.js b/js/cells/DMAParentCell.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20f9cbf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/cells/DMAParentCell.js
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Created by aghassaei on 5/27/15.
+ */
+//common methods between cell and supercell classes
+function DMAParentCell(){
+DMAParentCell.prototype._rotateCell = function(object3D){
+    return object3D;//by default, no mesh transformations
+DMAParentCell.prototype._translateCell = function(object3D){
+    var position = globals.lattice.getPositionForIndex(this.indices);
+    object3D.position.set(position.x, position.y, position.z);
+    return object3D;
+DMAParentCell.prototype._addMeshes = function(meshes, object3D){//accepts an array or a single mesh
+    this._addRemoveMeshes(true, meshes, object3D);
+DMAParentCell.prototype._removeMeshes = function(meshes, object3D){//accepts an array or a single mesh
+    this._addRemoveMeshes(false, meshes, object3D);
+DMAParentCell.prototype._addRemoveMeshes = function(shouldAdd, meshes, object3D){//accepts an array or a single mesh
+    if (object3D === undefined) object3D = this.object3D;
+    if (meshes.constructor === Array){
+        _.each(meshes, function(mesh){
+            if (shouldAdd) object3D.add(mesh);
+            else object3D.remove(mesh);
+        });
+    } else if (shouldAdd) object3D.add(meshes);
+    else object3D.remove(meshes);
+DMAParentCell.prototype.hide = function(){
+    this.object3D.visible = false;
+ = function(mode){
+    this.object3D.visible = true;
+    this.setMode(mode);
+DMAParentCell.prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity){
+DMAParentCell.prototype.getPosition = function(){
+    return this.object3D.position.clone();
+DMAParentCell.prototype.getQuaternion = function(){
+    return this.object3D.quaternion.clone();
+DMAParentCell.prototype.getEuler = function(){
+    return this.object3D.rotation.clone();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/cells/DMASuperCell.js b/js/cells/DMASuperCell.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d4ea4fd6..00000000
--- a/js/cells/DMASuperCell.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- * Created by aghassaei on 5/15/15.
- */
-var cellBrassMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color:"#b5a642"});
-var cellFiberGlassMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color:"#fff68f"});
-DMASuperCell = function(length, range, cells){
-    if (range) var shouldRotate = range.max.x == range.min.x;
-    this.material = globals.lattice.get("materialType");
-    this.mesh = this._buildSuperCellMesh(length, shouldRotate);
-    this.setVisibility(globals.appState.get("cellMode")=="cell");
-    if (range) this.indices = _.clone(range.max);
-    this.cells = cells;
-    this.setScale();
-    globals.three.sceneAdd(this.mesh);
-DMASuperCell.prototype._buildSuperCellMesh = function(length, shouldRotate){
-    var superCellGeo = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1,1,1);
-    superCellGeo.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(length, 1, 1));
-    superCellGeo.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(-length/2+0.5, 0, 0));
-    if (shouldRotate) superCellGeo.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationZ(Math.PI/2));
-    var mesh = THREE.SceneUtils.createMultiMaterialObject(superCellGeo, [this.getMaterialType()]);
-    var wireframe = new THREE.BoxHelper(mesh.children[0]);
-    wireframe.material.color.set(0x000000);
-    mesh.children.push(wireframe);
-    return mesh;
-DMASuperCell.prototype.getMaterialType = function(){
-    var material = cellBrassMaterial;
-    if (this.material == "fiberGlass") material = cellFiberGlassMaterial;
-    return material;
-DMASuperCell.prototype._setPosition = function(index){
-    if (!index) return;
-    var position = globals.lattice.getPositionForIndex(index);
-    this.mesh.position.set(position.x, position.y, position.z);
-DMASuperCell.prototype.setScale = function(scale){
-    if (!scale) scale = globals.lattice.get("scale");
-    this.mesh.scale.set(scale, scale, scale);
-    this._setPosition(this.indices);
-DMASuperCell.prototype.setVisibility = function(visible){
-    this.mesh.visible = visible;
-DMASuperCell.prototype.getLength = function(){
-    return this.cells.length-1;
-DMASuperCell.prototype.hide = function(){//only used in the context of stock simulation
-    this.setVisibility(false);
-    _.each(this.cells, function(cell){
-        if (cell) cell.hide();
-    });
-DMASuperCell.prototype.draw = function(scale, cellMode, partType){
-    if (this.hideForStockSimulation) return;
-    if (!scale) scale = globals.lattice.get("scale");
-    var partMode = cellMode == "part";
-//    this.updateForScale(scale, cellMode, partType);
-    //set visibility
-    this.setVisibility(!partMode);
-    _.each(this.cells, function(cell){
-        if (cell) cell.draw(scale, cellMode, partType);
-    });
-DMASuperCell.prototype.getPosition = function(){
-    return this.mesh.position.clone();
-DMASuperCell.prototype.moveTo = function(position, axis){//used for stock simulations
-    this.mesh.position[axis] = position;
-    _.each(this.cells, function(cell){
-        if (cell) cell.moveTo(position, axis);
-    });
-DMASuperCell.prototype.destroy = function(){
-    if (this.destroyStarted) return;//prevents loop destroy from cells
-    this.destroyStarted = true;
-    globals.three.sceneRemove(this.mesh);
-    _.each(this.cells, function(cell){
-        if (cell && !cell.destroyStarted) globals.lattice.removeCell(cell);
-    });
-    this.cells = null;
-    this.mesh = null;
-    this.indices = null;
-    this.material = null;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/cells/GIKCell.js b/js/cells/GIKCell.js
index 35489cdf..5093ccae 100644
--- a/js/cells/GIKCell.js
+++ b/js/cells/GIKCell.js
@@ -5,32 +5,16 @@
 (function () {
-    function GIKCell(indices, cellMode, partType){
-, indices, cellMode, partType);
+    function GIKCell(indices){
+        this.superCell = true;
+, indices, true);
     GIKCell.prototype = Object.create(CubeCell.prototype);
-    GIKCell.prototype._buildMesh = function(){
-        return, cellMaterial);
-    };
-    GIKCell.prototype._doMeshTransformations = function(mesh){
-        if (this.indices && this.indices.z%2 != 0) mesh.rotateZ(Math.PI/2);
-    };
-    GIKCell.prototype._setCellMeshVisibility = function(visible){
-        this.mesh.visible = false;
-        if (this.superCell) this.superCell.setVisibility(visible);
-    };
     GIKCell.prototype.setSuperCell = function(superCell, index){
         this.superCell = superCell;
         this.superCellIndex = index;
-        if (this.superCellIndex == this.superCell.getLength()) this.mesh.rotateZ(Math.PI);
-        if (globals.appState.get("cellMode")=="part") {
-   = this.__initParts();
-            this.draw();
-        }
+        if (this.superCellIndex == this.superCell.getLength()) this.object3D.rotateZ(Math.PI);
     GIKCell.prototype.getMaterialType = function(){
diff --git a/js/lattice/GIKLattice.js b/js/lattice/GIKLattice.js
index 377aee1b..6cb2826e 100644
--- a/js/lattice/GIKLattice.js
+++ b/js/lattice/GIKLattice.js
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ latticeSubclasses["GIKLattice"] = {
             if (cells.length < 1) return null;
-            var superCell = new DMASuperCell(length, range, cells);
+            var superCell = new GIKSuperCell(length, range, cells);
             _.each(cells, function(cell, index){
                 cell.setSuperCell(superCell, index);
diff --git a/js/supercells/GIKSuperCell.js b/js/supercells/GIKSuperCell.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..244fad6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/supercells/GIKSuperCell.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * Created by aghassaei on 5/26/15.
+ */
+var cellBrassMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color:"#b5a642"});
+var cellFiberGlassMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color:"#fff68f"});
+GIKSuperCell = function(length, range, cells){
+    if (range) this.indices = _.clone(range.max);
+    this.material = globals.lattice.get("materialType");
+    this.cells = cells;
+    this.object3D = this._buildObject3D();
+    this._addMeshes(this._buildMesh(length), this.object3D);
+    globals.three.sceneAdd(this.object3D);
+GIKSuperCell.prototype = Object.create(DMAParentCell.prototype);
+GIKSuperCell.prototype._buildObject3D = function(){
+    return this._translateCell(this._rotateCell(new THREE.Object3D()));
+GIKSuperCell.prototype._rotateCell = function(object3D){
+    if (this.indices && this.indices.z%2 != 0) object3D.rotateZ(Math.PI/2);
+    return object3D;
+GIKSuperCell.prototype._buildMesh = function(length){
+    var meshes = [];
+    var superCellGeo = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1,1,1);
+    superCellGeo.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(length, 1, 1));
+    superCellGeo.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(-length/2+0.5, 0, 0));
+    var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(superCellGeo, this.getMaterialType());
+ = "supercell";
+    meshes.push(mesh);
+    var wireframe = this._buildWireframe(mesh);
+    if (!wireframe) return meshes;
+ = "supercell";
+    meshes.push(wireframe);
+    return meshes;
+GIKSuperCell.prototype._buildWireframe = function(mesh){
+    var wireframe = new THREE.BoxHelper(mesh);
+    wireframe.material.color.set(0x000000);
+    wireframe.matrixWorld = mesh.matrixWorld;
+    wireframe.matrixAutoUpdate = true;
+    return wireframe;
+GIKSuperCell.prototype.getMaterialType = function(){
+    var material = cellBrassMaterial;
+    if (this.material == "fiberGlass") material = cellFiberGlassMaterial;
+    return material;
+GIKSuperCell.prototype.setMode = function(mode){
+    if (mode === undefined) mode = globals.appState.get("cellMode");
+    if (mode == "cell") mode = "supercell";
+    switch(mode) {
+        case "supercell":
+            break;
+        case "cell":
+            break;
+        case "part":
+            if (! {
+       = this._initParts();
+                var self = this;
+                _.each(, function(part){
+                    self._addMeshes(part.getMesh());
+                });
+            }
+            break;
+        case "beam":
+            if (!this.beams) this.beams = this._initBeams();
+            break;
+        case "node":
+            if (!this.nodes) this.nodes = this._initNodes();
+            break;
+    }
+    _.each(this.object3D.children, function(child){
+        child.visible = == mode;
+    });
+GIKSuperCell.prototype.getLength = function(){
+    return this.cells.length-1;
+GIKSuperCell.prototype.destroy = function(){
+    if (this.destroyStarted) return;//prevents loop destroy from cells
+    this.destroyStarted = true;
+    globals.three.sceneRemove(this.object3D);
+    this.object3D = null;
+    _.each(this.cells, function(cell){
+        if (cell && !cell.destroyStarted) globals.lattice.removeCell(cell);
+    });
+    this.cells = null;
+    this.indices = null;
+    this.material = null;
\ No newline at end of file