From 36807a463b4d9da40bd35a6404c13ce7df7b8252 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Amanda Ghassaei <>
Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 18:36:30 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] lattice comments

 js/cells/DMACell.js           |   5 +-
 js/cells/DmaCellOld.js        | 236 ----------------------------------
 js/cells/OctaRotEdgeCell.js   |   9 +-
 js/lattice/Lattice.js         | 111 ++++++++--------
 js/lattice/OctaEdgeLattice.js |  17 ++-
 5 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 301 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 js/cells/DmaCellOld.js

diff --git a/js/cells/DMACell.js b/js/cells/DMACell.js
index 9795d55a..8b8ab7bd 100644
--- a/js/cells/DMACell.js
+++ b/js/cells/DMACell.js
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ function DMACell(indices){
-DMACell.prototype._getSceneType = function(){
+DMACell.prototype._getSceneType = function(){//todo need this?
     if (this.indices) return "cell";
     return null;
@@ -74,9 +74,6 @@ DMACell.prototype._initParts = function(){
     return [];//override in subclasses
-DMACell.prototype.changePartType = function(){//override in subclasses
 DMACell.prototype.setMode = function(mode){
     if (mode === undefined) mode = globals.appState.get("cellMode");
diff --git a/js/cells/DmaCellOld.js b/js/cells/DmaCellOld.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c185fdf..00000000
--- a/js/cells/DmaCellOld.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
- * Created by aghassaei on 1/14/15.
- */
-//a Cell, a unit piece of the lattice
-//var cellMaterials = [new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(),
-//        new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:0x000000, wireframe:true})];
-//function DMACell(indices, cellMode, partType) {
-//    this.indices = indices;
-//    this.mesh = this._buildMesh();
-//    this._doMeshTransformations(this.mesh);//some cell types require transformations
-//    this._setMeshPosition(this.mesh, this._calcPosition());
-//    globals.three.sceneAdd(this.mesh,this._sceneType(indices));
-//    this.draw(cellMode, partType);
-//    this.hideForStockSimulation = false;
-//DMACell.prototype._sceneType = function(indices){
-//    if (!indices || indices == null || indices === undefined) return null;
-//    return "cell";
-//DMACell.prototype.draw = function(cellMode, partType){
-//    if (this.hideForStockSimulation) return;
-//    if (!cellMode) cellMode = globals.appState.get("cellMode");
-//    if (!partType)  partType = globals.lattice.get("partType");
-//    //var beamMode = partType == "beam";
-//    var beamMode = false;
-//    var partMode = cellMode == "part";
-//    //init parts/beams if needed
-//    if (partMode &&!beamMode && ! = this._initParts();
-//    if (beamMode && !this.beams) {
-//        this.nodes = this._initNodes(this.mesh.children[0].geometry.vertices);
-//        this.beams = this._initBeams(this.nodes, this.mesh.children[0].geometry.faces);
-//    }
-//    //set visibility
-//    this._setCellMeshVisibility(!partMode);
-//    _.each(, function(part){
-//        if (part) part.setVisibility(partMode && !beamMode);
-//    });
-//    _.each(this.beams, function(beam){
-//        beam.setVisibility(beamMode && partMode);
-//    });
-//DMACell.prototype.hide = function(){//only used in the context of stock simulation
-//    this._setCellMeshVisibility(false);
-//    _.each(, function(part){
-//        if (part) part.setVisibility(false);
-//    });
-//    _.each(this.beams, function(beam){
-//        beam.setVisibility(false);
-//    });
-//DMACell.prototype._setMeshPosition = function(mesh, position){
-//    mesh.position.x = position.x;
-//    mesh.position.y = position.y;
-//    mesh.position.z = position.z;
-//DMACell.prototype.moveTo = function(position, axis){//used for stock simulations
-//    this.mesh.position[axis] = position;
-//    if (globals.appState.get("cellMode") == "part"){
-//        _.each(, function(part){
-//            if (part) part.moveTo(position, axis);
-//        });
-//    }
-//DMACell.prototype.getType = function(){
-//    return null;//only used in freeform layout
-//DMACell.prototype.getPosition = function(){
-//    return this.mesh.position.clone();
-//DMACell.prototype.getOrientation = function(){
-//    return this.mesh.quaternion.clone();
-//DMACell.prototype.getEulerRotation = function(){
-//    return this.mesh.rotation.clone();
-//DMACell.prototype._calcPosition = function(){//need for part relay
-//    if (this.indices) return globals.lattice.getPositionForIndex(this.indices);
-//    return this.mesh.position;//used for cam simulation
-//DMACell.prototype._setCellMeshVisibility = function(visibility){
-//    this.mesh.visible = visibility;
-//DMACell.prototype.xScale = function(){
-//    return globals.lattice.xScale(0);
-//DMACell.prototype.yScale = function(){
-//    return globals.lattice.yScale(0);
-//DMACell.prototype.zScale = function(){
-//    return globals.lattice.zScale(0);
-//DMACell.prototype._buildMesh = function(material){//called from every subclass
-//    var unitCellGeo = this._getGeometry();
-//    if (!material) material = cellMaterials;
-//    var mesh = THREE.SceneUtils.createMultiMaterialObject(unitCellGeo, material);
-//    mesh.myParent = this;//we need a reference to this instance from the mesh for intersection selection stuff
-//    return mesh;
-//DMACell.prototype._doMeshTransformations = function(mesh){};//by default, no mesh transformations
-//DMACell.prototype._initParts = function(){
-//    return [];//override in subclasses
-//DMACell.prototype.changePartType = function(){//override in subclasses
-//DMACell.prototype.removePart = function(index){
-//[index] = null;
-//    var hasAnyParts = false;//check if all parts have been deleted
-//    _.each(, function(part){
-//        if (part) hasAnyParts = true;
-//    });
-//    if (!hasAnyParts) globals.lattice.removeCell(this);//if all parts are gone, remove cell
-//DMACell.prototype.destroyParts = function(){
-//    _.each(, function(part){
-//        if (part) part.destroy();
-//    });
-// = null;
-//DMACell.prototype._initNodes = function(vertices){
-//    var position = this.getPosition();
-//    var orientation = this.getOrientation();
-//    var nodes = [];
-//    for (var i=0;i<vertices.length;i++){
-//        var vertex = vertices[i].clone();
-//        vertex.applyQuaternion(orientation);
-//        vertex.add(position);
-//        nodes.push(new DmaNode(vertex, i));
-//    }
-//    return nodes;
-//DMACell.prototype._initBeams = function(nodes, faces){
-//    var beams = [];
-//    var self = this;
-//    var addBeamFunc = function(index1, index2){
-//        var duplicate = false;
-//        _.each(beams, function(beam){
-//            var index = beam.getIndex();
-//            if (index[0] == index1 && index[1] == index2) duplicate = true;
-//        });
-//        if (duplicate) return;
-//        var diff = nodes[index1].getPosition();
-//        diff.sub(nodes[index2].getPosition());
-//        if (diff.length() > self.getScale()*1.01) return;
-//        if (index2>index1) {
-//            beams.push(new DmaBeam(nodes[index1], nodes[index2], self));
-//        }
-//    };
-//    for (var i=0;i<nodes.length;i++){
-//        _.each(faces, function(face){
-//            if (face.a == i) {
-//                addBeamFunc(i, face.b);
-//                addBeamFunc(i, face.c);
-//            } else if (face.b == i){
-//                addBeamFunc(i, face.a);
-//                addBeamFunc(i, face.c);
-//            } else if (face.c == i){
-//                addBeamFunc(i, face.a);
-//                addBeamFunc(i, face.b);
-//            }
-//        })
-//    }
-//    return beams;
-//DMACell.prototype.destroy = function(){
-//    if (this.destroyStarted) return;
-//    this.destroyStarted = true;
-//    if (this.mesh) {
-//        globals.three.sceneRemove(this.mesh, this._sceneType(this.indices));
-//        this.mesh.myParent = null;
-////            this.mesh.dispose();
-////            geometry.dispose();
-////            material.dispose();
-//        this.mesh = null;
-//    }
-//    this.destroyParts();
-//    this.indices = null;
-//    this.nodes = null;
-//    this.beams = null;
-//    if (this.superCell) {
-//        this.superCell.destroy();
-//        this.superCell = null;
-//    }
-//    this.superCellIndex = null;
-//DMACell.prototype.toJSON = function(){
-//    var data = {
-//        indices:this.indices//todo get rid of this and calculate from min and max
-//    };
-//    if ( =;
-//    return data;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/cells/OctaRotEdgeCell.js b/js/cells/OctaRotEdgeCell.js
index 44c663e0..8580a828 100644
--- a/js/cells/OctaRotEdgeCell.js
+++ b/js/cells/OctaRotEdgeCell.js
@@ -11,10 +11,7 @@ function OctaRotEdgeCell(indices){
 OctaRotEdgeCell.prototype = Object.create(DMACell.prototype);
 OctaRotEdgeCell.prototype._initParts = function(){
-    return this.changePartType(globals.lattice.get("partType"));
-OctaRotEdgeCell.prototype.changePartType = function(type){
+    var type = globals.lattice.get("partType");
     var newParts = [];
     if (type == "vox"){
         newParts.push(new OctaEdgeVoxPart(0));
@@ -24,9 +21,7 @@ OctaRotEdgeCell.prototype.changePartType = function(type){
         console.warn("part type " + type + " not recognized");
-    if (! return newParts;
-    this.destroyParts();
- = newParts;
+    return newParts;
 OctaRotEdgeCell.prototype._getGeometry = function(){
diff --git a/js/lattice/Lattice.js b/js/lattice/Lattice.js
index e349ffa4..da455ee5 100644
--- a/js/lattice/Lattice.js
+++ b/js/lattice/Lattice.js
@@ -37,10 +37,12 @@ Lattice = Backbone.Model.extend({
         //bind events
         this.listenTo(this, "change:gikLength", this._gikLengthDidChange);
         this.listenTo(globals.appState, "change:superCellIndex", this._gikLengthDidChange);
-        this.listenTo(globals.appState, "change:cellMode", this._updateForMode);
         this.listenTo(this, "change:partType", this._updatePartType);
         this.listenTo(this, "change:cellType change:connectionType", this._updateLatticeType);
         this.listenTo(this, "change:cellSeparation", this._updateCellSeparation);
+        this.listenTo(globals.appState, "change:cellMode", this._updateForMode);
         this.listenTo(globals.appState, "change:cellsVisible", this._setCellVisibility);
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ Lattice = Backbone.Model.extend({
         return newCells;
-    addCellAtIndex: function(indices, noRender, noCheck){
+    addCellAtIndex: function(indices, noRender, noCheck){//no render no check from fill
         var cells = this.get("cells");
         if (!noCheck) this.checkForMatrixExpansion(cells, indices, indices);
@@ -154,13 +156,6 @@ Lattice = Backbone.Model.extend({
         return {min:min, max:max};
-    _allAxesScales: function(){
-        var xScale = this.xScale();
-        var yScale = this.yScale();
-        var zScale = this.zScale();
-        return {x:xScale, y:yScale, z:zScale};
-    },
     ///////////////////////////////FILL GEOMETRY////////////////////////////////////////
@@ -312,14 +307,6 @@ Lattice = Backbone.Model.extend({
         return false;
-    _subtract: function(pos1, pos2){
-        return {x:pos1.x-pos2.x, y:pos1.y-pos2.y, z:pos1.z-pos2.z};
-    },
-    _add: function(pos1, pos2){
-        return {x:pos1.x+pos2.x, y:pos1.y+pos2.y, z:pos1.z+pos2.z};
-    },
@@ -355,12 +342,12 @@ Lattice = Backbone.Model.extend({
         if (globals.highlighter.updateGikLength) globals.highlighter.updateGikLength();
-    _setCellVisibility: function(){//todo maybe leave wireframes?
+    _setCellVisibility: function(){
         if (globals.appState.get("cellsVisible")) this.showCells();
         else this.hideCells();
-    //hide show cells during stock simulation
+    //hide/show cells during stock simulation
     hideCells: function(){
         this._iterCells(this.get("cells"), function(cell){
             if (cell) cell.hide();
@@ -392,42 +379,17 @@ Lattice = Backbone.Model.extend({
-        if (typeof loadingFromFile == "undefined") loadingFromFile = false;
-        var cellType = this.get("cellType");
-        var connectionType = this.get("connectionType");
+        if (loadingFromFile === undefined) loadingFromFile = false;
         if (this._undo) this._undo();
         if (globals.basePlane) globals.basePlane.destroy();
         if (globals.highlighter) globals.highlighter.destroy();
-        if (cellType == "octa"){
-            if (connectionType == "face"){
-                _.extend(this, this.OctaFaceLattice);
-            } else if (connectionType == "freeformFace"){
-                if (!loadingFromFile) this.clearCells();
-                _.extend(this, this.OctaFreeFormFaceLattice);
-            } else if (connectionType == "edge"){
-                _.extend(this, this.OctaFaceLattice);
-                _.extend(this, this.OctaEdgeLattice);
-            } else if (connectionType == "edgeRot"){
-                _.extend(this, this.OctaRotEdgeLattice);
-            } else if (connectionType == "vertex"){
-                _.extend(this, this.OctaVertexLattice);
-            }
-        } else if (cellType == "tetra"){
-            _.extend(this, this.CubeLattice);
-        } else if (cellType == "cube"){
-            if (connectionType == "face"){
-                _.extend(this, this.CubeLattice);
-            } else if (connectionType == "gik"){
-                if (!loadingFromFile) this.clearCells();
-                _.extend(this, this.GIKLattice);
-            }
-        } else if (cellType == "truncatedCube"){
-            _.extend(this, this.TruncatedCubeLattice);
-        } else if (cellType == "kelvin"){
-            _.extend(this, this.KelvinLattice);
-        }
+        _.extend(this, this._getSubclassForLatticeType(loadingFromFile));
         //todo refactor this eventually
         var self = this;
         var cells = this.get("cells");
@@ -461,6 +423,38 @@ Lattice = Backbone.Model.extend({
+    _getSubclassForLatticeType: function(loadingFromFile){
+        var cellType = this.get("cellType");
+        var connectionType = this.get("connectionType");
+        if (cellType == "octa"){
+            if (connectionType == "face"){
+                return this.OctaFaceLattice;
+            } else if (connectionType == "freeformFace"){
+                if (!loadingFromFile) this.clearCells();
+                return this.OctaFreeFormFaceLattice;
+            } else if (connectionType == "edge"){
+                return this.OctaEdgeLattice;
+            } else if (connectionType == "edgeRot"){
+                return this.OctaRotEdgeLattice;
+            } else if (connectionType == "vertex"){
+                return this.OctaVertexLattice;
+            }
+        } else if (cellType == "tetra"){
+            return this.CubeLattice;
+        } else if (cellType == "cube"){
+            if (connectionType == "face"){
+                return this.CubeLattice;
+            } else if (connectionType == "gik"){
+                if (!loadingFromFile) this.clearCells();
+                return this.GIKLattice;
+            }
+        } else if (cellType == "truncatedCube"){
+            return this.TruncatedCubeLattice;
+        } else if (cellType == "kelvin"){
+            return this.KelvinLattice;
+        }
+    },
     _setToDefaultsSilently: function(){
         var newCellType = this.get("cellType");
         var newConnectionType = this.get("connectionType");
@@ -472,7 +466,7 @@ Lattice = Backbone.Model.extend({
         this.set("partType", partType, {silent:true});
-    _setDefaultCellMode: function(){
+    _setDefaultCellMode: function(){//if no part associated with this lattice type
         if (!globals.plist["allPartTypes"][this.get("cellType")][this.get("connectionType")]){
             globals.appState.set("cellMode", "cell");
@@ -576,6 +570,21 @@ Lattice = Backbone.Model.extend({
         return 1;
+    _allAxesScales: function(){
+        var xScale = this.xScale();
+        var yScale = this.yScale();
+        var zScale = this.zScale();
+        return {x:xScale, y:yScale, z:zScale};
+    },
+    _subtract: function(pos1, pos2){
+        return {x:pos1.x-pos2.x, y:pos1.y-pos2.y, z:pos1.z-pos2.z};
+    },
+    _add: function(pos1, pos2){
+        return {x:pos1.x+pos2.x, y:pos1.y+pos2.y, z:pos1.z+pos2.z};
+    },
diff --git a/js/lattice/OctaEdgeLattice.js b/js/lattice/OctaEdgeLattice.js
index ab4db72a..803778c3 100644
--- a/js/lattice/OctaEdgeLattice.js
+++ b/js/lattice/OctaEdgeLattice.js
@@ -46,6 +46,20 @@ latticeSubclasses["OctaEdgeLattice"] = {
             return position;
+        xScale: function(cellSeparation){
+            if (cellSeparation === undefined) cellSeparation = this.get("cellSeparation").xy;
+            return 1+2*cellSeparation;
+        },
+        yScale: function(cellSeparation){
+            return this.xScale(cellSeparation)/2*Math.sqrt(3);
+        },
+        zScale: function(cellSeparation){
+            if (cellSeparation === undefined) cellSeparation = this.get("cellSeparation").z;
+            return 2/Math.sqrt(6)+2*cellSeparation;
+        },
         makeCellForLatticeType: function(indices){
             return new DMAEdgeOctaCell(indices);
@@ -55,8 +69,5 @@ latticeSubclasses["OctaEdgeLattice"] = {
             _.each(_.keys(this.OctaEdgeLattice), function(key){
                 self[key] = null;
-            _.each(_.keys(this.OctaFaceLattice), function(key){
-                self[key] = null;
-            });