diff --git a/js/fea/DmaCell.js b/js/fea/DmaCell.js
index 0200257a231e5260479c2ab266c5cf01b09fc9f7..e077cb06a26a6ce991ac7868ae78acfd2704f006 100644
--- a/js/fea/DmaCell.js
+++ b/js/fea/DmaCell.js
@@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ DMACell.prototype.destroy = function(){
     var cellMaterials = [new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(),
         new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:0x000000, wireframe:true})];
     function DMASideOctaCell(mode, indices, scale, lattice){
         DMACell.call(this, mode, indices, scale, lattice);
@@ -141,19 +140,27 @@ DMACell.prototype.destroy = function(){
     DMASideOctaCell.prototype.calcHighlighterPosition = function(face){
-        if (face.normal.z<0.99) return null;//only highlight horizontal faces
-        //the vertices don't include the position transformation applied to cell.  Add these to create highlighter vertices
-        var mesh = this.cellMesh.children[0];
-        var vertices = mesh.geometry.vertices;
-        var newVertices = [vertices[face.a].clone(), vertices[face.b].clone(), vertices[face.c].clone()];
-        var scale = this.cellMesh.scale.x;
-        var position = (new THREE.Vector3()).setFromMatrixPosition(mesh.matrixWorld);
-        _.each(newVertices, function(vertex){//apply scale
-            vertex.multiplyScalar(scale);
-            vertex.add(position);
-        });
-        return newVertices;
+        var direction = face.normal;
+        if (face.normal.z<0.99) direction = null;//only highlight horizontal faces
+//        //the vertices don't include the position transformation applied to cell.  Add these to create highlighter vertices
+//        var mesh = this.cellMesh.children[0];
+//        var vertices = mesh.geometry.vertices;
+//        var newVertices = [vertices[face.a].clone(), vertices[face.b].clone(), vertices[face.c].clone()];
+//        var scale = this.cellMesh.scale.x;
+//        var position = (new THREE.Vector3()).setFromMatrixPosition(mesh.matrixWorld);
+//        _.each(newVertices, function(vertex){//apply scale
+//            vertex.multiplyScalar(scale);
+//            vertex.add(position);
+//        });
+        var position = dmaGlobals.lattice.getPositionForIndex(this.indices);
+//        var scale = dmaGlobals.lattice.xScale();
+//        _.each(_.keys(position), function(key){
+//            position[key] += direction[key]*scale/2;
+//        });
+        return {index: _.clone(this.indices), direction:direction, position:position};
     self.DMASideOctaCell = DMASideOctaCell;
diff --git a/js/fea/DmaPart.js b/js/fea/DmaPart.js
index c7af2da0fd7da8a953b81277516f010eea161e36..aa09216c52127106e05286c22dc16d5db22cfb7a 100644
--- a/js/fea/DmaPart.js
+++ b/js/fea/DmaPart.js
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 //a part, element with a single material, handled by assembler
     function DMAPart(type, oddZFlag, parent) {
-        //todo remove this?
         this.parentCell = parent;//use this reference to get position and scale
         this.oddZFlag = oddZFlag;//this tells me if cell is at an odd z height in lattice, everything needs to rotate 180
         this.type = type;
@@ -90,7 +89,7 @@
         var unitScale = 1.2/unitPartGeo1.boundingBox.max.y;
         unitPartGeo1.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(unitScale, unitScale, unitScale));
-        unitPartGeo1.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(0.25,-0.6, -0.08));
+        unitPartGeo1.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(0.25,-0.6, -0.45));
         unitPartGeo1.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationZ(-Math.PI/6));
         unitPartGeo1.dynamic = true;
diff --git a/js/models/BasePlane.js b/js/models/BasePlane.js
index 62ec31d01436d3620bf95503b0ce438b7fe6c471..227cecf05847aaac4932e41567be355696d6c112 100644
--- a/js/models/BasePlane.js
+++ b/js/models/BasePlane.js
@@ -172,17 +172,12 @@ OctaBasePlane = BasePlane.extend({
     calcHighlighterPosition: function(face, position){
-        //the vertices don't include the position transformation applied to cell.  Add these to create highlighter vertices
-        var mesh = this.get("mesh")[0];
-        var vertices = mesh.geometry.vertices;
-        var newVertices = [vertices[face.a].clone(), vertices[face.b].clone(), vertices[face.c].clone()];
-        var scale = dmaGlobals.lattice.get("scale");
-        var position = (new THREE.Vector3()).setFromMatrixPosition(mesh.matrixWorld);
-        _.each(newVertices, function(vertex){//apply scale
-            vertex.multiplyScalar(scale);
-            vertex.add(position);
-        });
-        return {index: {}, direction: new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1), position:position};
+        var index = dmaGlobals.lattice.getIndexForPosition(position);
+        index.z = this.get("zIndex") - 1;//pretend we're on the top of the cell underneath the baseplane
+        var position = dmaGlobals.lattice.getPositionForIndex(index);
+        position.z += dmaGlobals.lattice.zScale()/2;
+        return {index: index, direction: new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1), position:position};
diff --git a/js/models/Lattice.js b/js/models/Lattice.js
index 5b6b523f789d5ba936512df9a5878f8253865314..c56126a12e03dd1c7f3918ce9c5d1d9eddb4fe76 100644
--- a/js/models/Lattice.js
+++ b/js/models/Lattice.js
@@ -376,12 +376,12 @@ Lattice = Backbone.Model.extend({
         getPositionForIndex: function(index){
-            var position = this._positionForIndex(index);
-//            var octHeight = 2*scale/Math.sqrt(6);
-//            var triHeight = latticeScale/2*Math.sqrt(3);
-//            position.x = indices.x*latticeScale;
-//            position.y = indices.y*triHeight-latticeScale/Math.sqrt(3);
-//            position.z = indices.z*octHeight;
+            var scale = this.get("scale");
+            var position = _.clone(index);
+            var xScale = this.xScale(scale);
+            position.x = position.x*xScale;
+            position.y = position.y*this.yScale(scale)-xScale/Math.sqrt(3);
+            position.z = (position.z+0.5)*this.zScale(scale);
             if (Math.abs(index.y%2) == 1) position.x -= this.xScale()/2;
             return position;
diff --git a/js/threeViews/Highlighter.js b/js/threeViews/Highlighter.js
index 7cfde2b6500cfee5bc1a58ef13289bf470ab1d2d..f449340d13ec129daaf5591a8ca80fddd92f62a8 100644
--- a/js/threeViews/Highlighter.js
+++ b/js/threeViews/Highlighter.js
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Highlighter = Backbone.View.extend({
     _setPosition: function(position, direction){
         this.mesh.position.set(position.x, position.y, position.z);
-        this.mesh.rotation.set(direction.y*Math.PI, direction.x*Math.PI, 0);
+//        this.mesh.rotation.set(direction.y*Math.PI, direction.x*Math.PI, 0);
 //        this.mesh.updateMatrix();
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Highlighter = Backbone.View.extend({
         var newIndex = _.clone(this.index);
         var direction = this.direction;
         _.each(_.keys(newIndex), function(key){
-            newIndex[key] += direction[key];
+            newIndex[key] = Math.round(newIndex[key] + direction[key]);
         return newIndex;
@@ -135,11 +135,9 @@ OctaFaceHighlighter = Highlighter.extend({
     _makeGeometry: function(){
-        var geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
-        //can't change size of faces or vertices buffers dynamically
-        geometry.vertices = [new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0), new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0), new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0)];
-        geometry.faces = [new THREE.Face3(0,1,2)];
+        var rad = 1/Math.sqrt(3);
+        var geometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(rad, rad, 0.01, 3);//short triangular prism
+        geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX(Math.PI));
         return geometry;
@@ -160,7 +158,6 @@ OctaVertexHighlighter = Highlighter.extend({
 CubeHighlighter = Highlighter.extend({
     _makeGeometry: function(){
         var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1,1,0.01);
         return geometry;