diff --git a/js/cells/DMACell.js b/js/cells/DMACell.js
index e33f40b5862c09cfda37dc3187319605293c4767..d4d02ccea941d53233b806a1dccdebe53dcb0ad7 100644
--- a/js/cells/DMACell.js
+++ b/js/cells/DMACell.js
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ define(['underscore', 'three', 'threeModel', 'lattice', 'appState', 'globals', '
         if (json.index) this.index = new THREE.Vector3(json.index.x, json.index.y, json.index.z);
         if (superCell) this.superCell = superCell;
         this.materialName = json.materialName || appState.get("materialType");
         //object 3d is parent to all 3d elements owned by cell: cell mesh and wireframe, parts, beams, nodes, etc
@@ -121,17 +120,14 @@ define(['underscore', 'three', 'threeModel', 'lattice', 'appState', 'globals', '
         return this.getOrientation().multiply(this.superCell.getAbsoluteOrientation());//order matters!
-    DMACell.prototype.getEuler = function(){
-        return this.object3D.rotation.clone();
-    };
-    DMACell.prototype.applyRotation = function(vector){//
+    DMACell.prototype.applyRotation = function(vector){//todo local rotation?
         return vector;
     DMACell.prototype.applyAbsoluteRotation = function(vector){
+        return vector;
@@ -143,7 +139,7 @@ define(['underscore', 'three', 'threeModel', 'lattice', 'appState', 'globals', '
     DMACell.prototype.calcHighlighterParams = function(face, point){//this works for rectalinear, override in subclasses
-        var direction = face.normal.clone().applyQuaternion(this.getAbsoluteOrientation());
+        var direction = this.applyAbsoluteRotation(face.normal.clone());//todo local orientation?
         var position = this.getAbsolutePosition();
         var self  = this;
         _.each(_.keys(position), function(key){
@@ -153,12 +149,11 @@ define(['underscore', 'three', 'threeModel', 'lattice', 'appState', 'globals', '
     DMACell.prototype.setDeleteMode = function(state){
         var material;
         if (!state && !this.materialName) return;//cell may be deleted by now
         if (state) material = materials.deleteMaterial.threeMaterial;
         else  material = this.getMaterial(true);
-        if (!material) return;//cell may be deleted by now
+        if (!material) return;//no material object found
         if (this.object3D.children[0].material == material) return;
         if (this.cells){
@@ -264,8 +259,13 @@ define(['underscore', 'three', 'threeModel', 'lattice', 'appState', 'globals', '
                 } else setVisiblity();
             case "beam":
-//                if (!this.beams) this.beams = this._initBeams();
-                setVisiblity();
+                if (!this.beams) this.beams = this._initBeams(function(){
+                    if (!this.nodes) this.nodes = self._initNodes(function(){
+                        setVisiblity();
+                    });
+                    else setVisiblity();
+                });
+                else setVisiblity();
             case "node":
 //                if (!this.nodes) this.nodes = this._initNodes();
@@ -301,7 +301,40 @@ define(['underscore', 'three', 'threeModel', 'lattice', 'appState', 'globals', '
     DMACell.prototype._initParts = function(callback){
-        callback();//override in subclasses
+        if (callback) callback();//override in subclasses
+        return [];
+    };
+    DMACell.prototype._initNodes = function(callback){
+//        var PI2 = Math.PI * 2;
+//        var material = new THREE.SpriteCanvasMaterial({
+//            color: 0xffffff,
+//            program: function ( context ) {
+//                context.beginPath();
+//                context.arc( 0, 0, 2, 0, PI2, true );
+//                context.fill();
+//             }
+//        });
+//        var particle = new THREE.Sprite(material);
+//        particle.name = "beam";
+//        this.addChildren(particle);
+        if (callback) callback();
+        return true;
+    };
+    DMACell.prototype._initBeams = function(callback){
+        if (this.cells) {
+            _.each(this.cells)
+        }
+        var wireframe = this._buildWireframe(this.object3D.children[0], this._getGeometry());
+        wireframe.name = "beam";
+        if (wireframe.material.wireframeLinewidth) wireframe.material.wireframeLinewidth = 5;
+        else wireframe.material.linewidth = 5;
+        wireframe.material.color = this.getMaterial(true).color;
+        this.addChildren(wireframe);
+        if (callback) callback();
+        return true;
diff --git a/js/cells/supercells/DMASuperCell.js b/js/cells/supercells/DMASuperCell.js
index ce374dfe4e6596ca0d7ffa7e81b1d5e7379f00e4..024c21e90d4baff642054af1132722b1771dd102 100644
--- a/js/cells/supercells/DMASuperCell.js
+++ b/js/cells/supercells/DMASuperCell.js
@@ -76,7 +76,9 @@ define(['underscore', 'three', 'threeModel', 'lattice', 'appState', 'cell'],
     DMASuperCell.prototype.setMode = function(mode, callback){
         var self = this;
         DMACell.prototype.setMode.call(this, mode, function(){
-            var numChildren = self.object3D.children.length-2;
+            var numChildren = _.filter(self.object3D.children, function(child){
+                return child.name == "object3D";
+            }).length;//todo this is weird
                 if (cell) cell.setMode(mode, function(){
                     if (--numChildren <= 0) {
diff --git a/js/main.js b/js/main.js
index 1b058a93d4664a89e5a10acc41db95c1fae39804..72d3e5f5b782c37a1d4883260cdb41ae1faf5319 100644
--- a/js/main.js
+++ b/js/main.js
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ require.config({
         stlLoader: '../dependencies/loaders/STLLoader',
         threeModel: 'three/ThreeModel',
         threeView: 'three/ThreeView',
+        fillGeometry: 'three/FillGeometry',
         globals: 'models/globals',
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ require.config({
         menuWrapper: 'menus/MenuWrapperView',
         menuParent: 'menus/MenuParentView',
         latticeMenu: 'menus/LatticeMenuView',
-        importMenu: 'menus/LatticeMenuView',
+        importMenu: 'menus/ImportMenuView',
         partMenu: 'menus/PartMenuView',
         scriptMenu: 'menus/ScriptMenuView',
         physicsMenu: 'menus/PhysicsMenuView',
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ require.config({
         modalViewTemplate: 'menus/templates/ModalView.html',
         menuWrapperTemplate: 'menus/templates/MenuWrapperView.html',
         latticeMenuTemplate: 'menus/templates/LatticeMenuView.html',
-        importMenuTemplate: 'menus/templates/LatticeMenuView.html',
+        importMenuTemplate: 'menus/templates/ImportMenuView.html',
         partMenuTemplate: 'menus/templates/PartMenuView.html',
         scriptMenuTemplate: 'menus/templates/ScriptMenuView.html',
         physicsMenuTemplate: 'menus/templates/PhysicsMenuView.html',
diff --git a/js/menus/ImportMenuView.js b/js/menus/ImportMenuView.js
index 19fa26fbcac7c97b5c702cabb0283be865208cab..9bbb3b2a86d8ac5c64d81488b12a0582de6fce78 100644
--- a/js/menus/ImportMenuView.js
+++ b/js/menus/ImportMenuView.js
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
  * Created by aghassaei on 1/26/15.
-define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'menuParent', 'plist', 'lattice', 'importMenuTemplate'],
-    function($, _, MenuParentView, plist, lattice, template){
+define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'menuParent', 'plist', 'lattice', 'text!importMenuTemplate', 'fillGeometry', 'stlLoader'],
+    function($, _, MenuParentView, plist, lattice, template, FillGeometry, THREE){
     return MenuParentView.extend({
diff --git a/js/menus/templates/Ribbon.html b/js/menus/templates/Ribbon.html
index 179021b33a7af38d87f0edc518550f424fde42d6..509d062511786bc1047f382e1481a03d33686b93 100644
--- a/js/menus/templates/Ribbon.html
+++ b/js/menus/templates/Ribbon.html
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
         <% if (allPartTypes[cellType][connectionType]){ %>
             <a data-type="part" class="btn btn-primary btn-ribbon ribbonCellMode<% if (cellMode == "part"){ %> ribbon-selected<% } %>" href="#"><img data-type="part" src="assets/imgs/part-sm.png"></a>
         <% } %>
-        <!--<a data-type="beam" class="btn btn-primary btn-ribbon ribbonCellMode<% if (cellMode == "beam"){ %> ribbon-selected<% } %>" href="#">Beam</a>-->
+        <a data-type="beam" class="btn btn-primary btn-ribbon ribbonCellMode<% if (cellMode == "beam"){ %> ribbon-selected<% } %>" href="#">Beam</a>
         <a class="btn btn-primary btn-ribbon ribbonDeleteMode<% if (deleteMode){ %> ribbon-selected"<% } %>"><span class="fui-cross"></span></a>
diff --git a/js/models/AppState.js b/js/models/AppState.js
index bdfdcdeb47ac3978bbba5ddeb1108ede04e42a09..b282da4ce6b37072c26470b0d64f81fff50bc1bc 100644
--- a/js/models/AppState.js
+++ b/js/models/AppState.js
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ define(['underscore', 'backbone', 'threeModel', 'three', 'plist', 'globals'], fu
             var currentTab = this.get("currentTab");
             if (currentTab != "animate") this.set("stockSimulationPlaying", false);
             if (currentTab != "cam") this.set("manualSelectOrigin", false);
-            if (currentTab == "import" && globals.lattice.get("connectionType") == "edgeRot") globals.lattice.set("partType", "voxLowPoly");
+            if (currentTab == "import" && this.lattice.get("connectionType") == "edgeRot") this.lattice.set("partType", "voxLowPoly");
             this.get("lastNavTab")[this.get("currentNav")] = currentTab;//store tab
diff --git a/js/models/PList.js b/js/models/PList.js
index 28aa1585472b0890cc8bd73a170a70603e420f53..58b11fcfa3be38be014b15a92e2137e3b33c2814 100644
--- a/js/models/PList.js
+++ b/js/models/PList.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ define(['three'], function(THREE){
         allMenuTabs: {
-//              import:"Import",
+                import:"Import",
diff --git a/js/three/FillGeometry.js b/js/three/FillGeometry.js
index 89a8cd0e2389c77a04dc127e13bd0b9be8529e99..5bb695542149f74b395a3d5135eba9afbbe57e22 100644
--- a/js/three/FillGeometry.js
+++ b/js/three/FillGeometry.js
@@ -2,133 +2,137 @@
  * Created by aghassaei on 1/16/15.
-FillGeometry = Backbone.Model.extend({
-    defaults: {
-        filename: "No File Loaded",
-        mesh: null,
-        boundingBox: null//show bounding box for mesh
-    },
-    initialize: function(){
-        //bind events
-    },
-    buildNewMesh:function(geometry){
-        this.removeMesh();
-        //center geometry in x and y
-        geometry.computeBoundingBox();
-        geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(0,0,-geometry.boundingBox.min.z));//set on top of baseplane
-        geometry.computeBoundingBox();
-        var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial(
-            {color:0xf25536,
-                shading: THREE.FlatShading,
-                transparent:true,
-                opacity:0.4,
-                side:THREE.DoubleSide}));
-        this.makeBoundingBox(mesh);
-        this.set({mesh: mesh});
-        globals.three.sceneAdd(mesh);
-        globals.three.render();
-    },
-    makeBoundingBox: function(mesh){
-        var box = new THREE.BoxHelper(mesh);
-        box.material.color.setRGB(0,0,0);
-        box.material.opacity = 0.4;
-        box.material.transparent = true;
-        this.set("boundingBox", box);
-//        globals.three.sceneAdd(box);
-    },
-    fillGeo: function(){
-        var boundingBox = this.get("boundingBox");
-        boundingBox.geometry.computeBoundingBox();
-        var bounds = boundingBox.geometry.boundingBox;
-        var scale = globals.lattice.get("scale");
-        var minIndex = globals.lattice.getIndexForPosition(bounds.min);
-        var maxIndex = globals.lattice.getIndexForPosition(bounds.max);
-        globals.lattice.checkForMatrixExpansion(null, maxIndex, minIndex);//expand cells matrix before
-        var raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
-        var direction = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1);
-        var mesh = this.get("mesh");
-        raycaster.near = 0;
-        raycaster.far = bounds.max-bounds.min+2;//add some padding just in case
-        for (var x=minIndex.x;x<=maxIndex.x;x++){
-            for (var y=minIndex.y;y<=maxIndex.y;y++){
-                var origin = globals.lattice.getPositionForIndex({x:x, y:y, z:minIndex.z});
-                origin.z = bounds.min.z-1;//more padding
-                raycaster.set(origin, direction);
-                var intersections = raycaster.intersectObject(mesh);
-                if (intersections.length == 0) continue;
-                var inside = false;
-                var nextIntersectionIndex = 0;
-                var nextIntersection = intersections[nextIntersectionIndex].distance;
-                for (var z=minIndex.z;z<=maxIndex.z;z++){
-                    var index = {x:x,y:y,z:z};
-                    var position = globals.lattice.getPositionForIndex(index);
-                    if (!inside){
-                        if (position.z<nextIntersection) continue;
-                        else {
-                            inside = true;
-                            globals.lattice.getUItarget().addCellAtIndex(index, true, true);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        if (position.z<nextIntersection) {
-                            globals.lattice.getUItarget().addCellAtIndex(index, true, true);
-                            continue;
+define(['three', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'lattice', 'threeModel'],
+    function(THREE, _, Backbone, lattice, three){
+    return Backbone.Model.extend({
+        defaults: {
+            filename: "No File Loaded",
+            mesh: null,
+            boundingBox: null,//show bounding box for mesh
+            scale: 1
+        },
+        initialize: function(){
+            //bind events
+        },
+        buildNewMesh:function(geometry){
+            this.removeMesh();
+            //center geometry in x and y
+            geometry.computeBoundingBox();
+            geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(0,0,-geometry.boundingBox.min.z));//set on top of baseplane
+            geometry.computeBoundingBox();
+            var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial(
+                {color:0xf25536,
+                    shading: THREE.FlatShading,
+                    transparent:true,
+                    opacity:0.4,
+                    side:THREE.DoubleSide}));
+            this.makeBoundingBox(mesh);
+            this.set({mesh: mesh});
+            three.sceneAdd(mesh);
+            three.render();
+        },
+        makeBoundingBox: function(mesh){
+            var box = new THREE.BoxHelper(mesh);
+            box.material.color.setRGB(0,0,0);
+            box.material.opacity = 0.4;
+            box.material.transparent = true;
+            this.set("boundingBox", box);
+    //        three.sceneAdd(box);
+        },
+        fillGeo: function(){
+            var boundingBox = this.get("boundingBox");
+            boundingBox.geometry.computeBoundingBox();
+            var bounds = boundingBox.geometry.boundingBox;
+            var scale = this.get("scale");
+            var minIndex = lattice.getIndexForPosition(bounds.min);
+            var maxIndex = lattice.getIndexForPosition(bounds.max);
+            lattice.checkForMatrixExpansion(null, maxIndex, minIndex);//expand cells matrix before
+            var raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
+            var direction = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1);
+            var mesh = this.get("mesh");
+            raycaster.near = 0;
+            raycaster.far = bounds.max-bounds.min+2;//add some padding just in case
+            for (var x=minIndex.x;x<=maxIndex.x;x++){
+                for (var y=minIndex.y;y<=maxIndex.y;y++){
+                    var origin = lattice.getPositionForIndex({x:x, y:y, z:minIndex.z});
+                    origin.z = bounds.min.z-1;//more padding
+                    raycaster.set(origin, direction);
+                    var intersections = raycaster.intersectObject(mesh);
+                    if (intersections.length == 0) continue;
+                    var inside = false;
+                    var nextIntersectionIndex = 0;
+                    var nextIntersection = intersections[nextIntersectionIndex].distance;
+                    for (var z=minIndex.z;z<=maxIndex.z;z++){
+                        var index = {x:x,y:y,z:z};
+                        var position = lattice.getPositionForIndex(index);
+                        if (!inside){
+                            if (position.z<nextIntersection) continue;
+                            else {
+                                inside = true;
+                                lattice.getUItarget().addCellAtIndex(index, true, true);
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            if (position.z<nextIntersection) {
+                                lattice.getUItarget().addCellAtIndex(index, true, true);
+                                continue;
+                            }
+                            else inside = false;
-                        else inside = false;
+                        var next = this._getNextIntersection(position, intersections, nextIntersectionIndex, inside);
+                        if (!next) break;
+                        inside = next.inside;
+                        nextIntersection = next.nextIntersection;
+                        nextIntersectionIndex = next.nextIntersetcionIndex;
-                    var next = this._getNextIntersection(position, intersections, nextIntersectionIndex, inside);
-                    if (!next) break;
-                    inside = next.inside;
-                    nextIntersection = next.nextIntersection;
-                    nextIntersectionIndex = next.nextIntersetcionIndex;
+            three.render();
+        },
+        _getNextIntersection: function(position, intersections, nextIntersectionIndex, inside){
+            nextIntersectionIndex += 1;
+            if (nextIntersectionIndex < intersections.length) {
+                var nextIntersection = intersections[nextIntersectionIndex].distance;
+                if (nextIntersection < position.z) return this._getNextIntersection(position, intersections, nextIntersectionIndex, !inside);
+                return {nextIntersection:nextIntersection, nextIntersetcionIndex: nextIntersectionIndex, inside:inside};
+            }
+            else return null;
+        },
+        subtractGeo: function(){
+            lattice.subtractMesh(this.get("mesh"));
+        },
+        removeMesh: function(){
+            if (!this.get("mesh")) return;
+            three.sceneRemove(this.get("mesh"));
+            three.sceneRemove(this.get("boundingBox"));
+            this.set("mesh", null);
+            this.set("boundingBox", null);
+            this.set("filename", this.defaults.filename);
+            three.render();
+        },
+        scale: function(scale){
+    //        var currentScale = this.get("scale");
+    //        for (var i=0;i<currentScale.length;i++){
+    //            if (!scale[i]) scale[i] = currentScale[i];
+    //        }
+    //        this.get("mesh").scale.set(scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]);
+    //        this.set("scale", scale);
-        globals.three.render();
-    },
-    _getNextIntersection: function(position, intersections, nextIntersectionIndex, inside){
-        nextIntersectionIndex += 1;
-        if (nextIntersectionIndex < intersections.length) {
-            var nextIntersection = intersections[nextIntersectionIndex].distance;
-            if (nextIntersection < position.z) return this._getNextIntersection(position, intersections, nextIntersectionIndex, !inside);
-            return {nextIntersection:nextIntersection, nextIntersetcionIndex: nextIntersectionIndex, inside:inside};
-        }
-        else return null;
-    },
-    subtractGeo: function(){
-        globals.lattice.subtractMesh(this.get("mesh"));
-    },
-    removeMesh: function(){
-        if (!this.get("mesh")) return;
-        globals.three.sceneRemove(this.get("mesh"));
-        globals.three.sceneRemove(this.get("boundingBox"));
-        this.set("mesh", null);
-        this.set("boundingBox", null);
-        this.set("filename", this.defaults.filename);
-        globals.three.render();
-    },
-    scale: function(scale){
-//        var currentScale = this.get("scale");
-//        for (var i=0;i<currentScale.length;i++){
-//            if (!scale[i]) scale[i] = currentScale[i];
-//        }
-//        this.get("mesh").scale.set(scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]);
-//        this.set("scale", scale);
-    }
+    });