//all property lists for the app, these are "static" variables define(['three'], function(THREE){ return { allMenuTabs: { navDesign:{ lattice:"Lattice", //sketch:"Sketch", material:"Material", import:"Import", part:"Part", script:"Script" }, electronicNavSim:{ eSetup:"Connectivity", eStatic:"Statics", eDynamic:"Dynamics", optimize:"Optimize" }, mechanicalNavSim:{ mSetup:"Setup", mStatic:"Statics", mDynamic:"Dynamics" }, navOptimize:{ optimize:"Optimize" }, navAssemble:{ assembler:"Assembler", cam: "Process", animate:"Preview" }, navComm:{ setupComm: "Setup", send: "Send" }, //maybe do something different here? navComposite:{ composite:"Composite Editor" }, navMaterial:{ materialEditor: "Material Editor" } }, allCellTypes: { octa:"Octahedron", tetra: "Tetrahedron", cube:"Cube", truncatedCube:"Cuboctahedron", kelvin:"Kelvin" }, allConnectionTypes: { octa: {face:"Face", edgeRot:"Edge", vertex:"Vertex"},// freeformFace:"Freeform Face" edge:"Edge", (Rotated) tetra: {stacked: "Stacked"},//vertex: "Vertex" cube: {face:"Face", gik: "GIK"}, truncatedCube: {face:"Face"}, kelvin: {face: "Face"} }, allPartTypes:{ octa:{ face: { triangle:"Triangle" }, edge: null, edgeRot: { vox: "Snap Voxel (high res)", voxLowPoly: "Snap Voxel (low res)" }, vertex: { kennyTeq: "Kenny Teq", kennyTeqHighRes: "Kenny Teq (High Res)", samTeq: "Square" // xShape:"X" } }, tetra: {vertex: null}, cube: {face: null, gik: { lego: "Micro LEGO (high res)", legoLowPoly: "Micro LEGO (low res)" } }, truncatedCube: { face: null//{ // square:"Square", // xShape:"X" // } }, kelvin: {face: null} }, allMaterialTypes:{ octa:{ face: 'mechanical', edge: 'mechanical', edgeRot: 'mechanical', vertex: 'mechanical' }, tetra: { stacked: 'mechanical', vertex: 'mechanical' }, cube: { face: 'mechanical', gik: 'electronic' }, truncatedCube: {face: 'mechanical'}, kelvin: {face: 'mechanical'} }, allMaterialClasses:{ mechanical: "Structural", electronic: "Electronic", // space: "Space Structures" }, allMaterials:{ electronic:{ brass:{ name: "Brass", color: "#b5a642", altColor: "#857B64" }, fiberGlass: { name: "Fiberglass", color: "#fef1b5", // opacity: "0.9", altColor: "#ecf0f1" }, carbon: { name: "Carbon Composite", color: "#222", altColor: "#000" }, nType: { name: "Silicon N-Type", color: "#bcc6cc", altColor: "#8391AC" }, nTypePlus: { name: "Silicon Heavily Doped N-Type (N+)", color: "#c6ccbc", altColor: "#9CC9CB" }, pType: { name: "Silicon P-Type", color: "#ccbcc6", altColor: "#F5447B" }, pTypePlus: { name: "Silicon Heavily Doped P-Type (P+)", color: "#ccc2bc", altColor: "#F99987" } //857B64 //FDE2D9 //D77948 }, mechanical:{ rigid:{ name: "Rigid", color: "#aaa", altColor: "#666" }, flexure: { name: "Flexure", color: "#aaa", altColor: "#8391AC" } }, space:{ fiberGlass: { name: "Glass Filled Nylon", color: "#fef1b5", // opacity: "0.9", altColor: "#ecf0f1" }, carbon: { name: "Carbon Composite", color: "#222", altColor: "#000" }, nType: { name: "Aluminum", color: "#bcc6cc", altColor: "#8391AC" }, brass:{ name: "Brass", color: "#b5a642", altColor: "#857B64" }, nTypePlus: { name: "Power Storage", color: "#c6ccbc", altColor: "#9CC9CB" }, pType: { name: "Logic", color: "#ccbcc6", altColor: "#F5447B" }, pTypePlus: { name: "Solar Panel", color: "#ccc2bc", altColor: "#F99987" } //857B64 //FDE2D9 //D77948 } }, allMachineTypes:{ octa:{ face: {handOfGod: "Hand of God"}, edgeRot: { crab: "Crab", shopbot: "Shopbot", oneBitBot: "One Bit Bot", oneBitBotLegs: "One Bit Bot with Legs", handOfGod: "Hand of God" }, vertex: {handOfGod: "Hand of God"} }, tetra: { vertex:{handOfGod: "Hand of God"} }, cube:{ face:{handOfGod: "Hand of God"}, gik: { stapler: "Dual Head Stapler" // handOfGod: "Hand of God" } }, truncatedCube:{ face:{handOfGod: "Hand of God"} }, kelvin:{ face:{handOfGod: "Hand of God"} } }, allAssemblyStrategies: { raster: "Raster" }, allCamProcesses: { shopbot:{ shopbot: "Shopbot (sbp)", gcode: "G-Code" }, handOfGod:{gcode: "G-Code"}, oneBitBot:{ gcode: "G-Code", tinyG: "TinyG" }, stapler: {gcode: "G-Code"}, staplerDual: {gcode: "G-Code"}, crab: {gcode: "G-Code"} }, allMachineDefaults: { shopbot:null, handOfGod:null, oneBitBot:null, stapler: { camStrategy: "raster", placementOrder: "XYZ",//used for raster strategy entry camProcess: "gcode", rapidHeight:3, rapidHeightRelative: true, safeHeight: 0.05, originPosition: new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0), rapidSpeeds:{xy: 3, z: 2}, feedRate:{xy: 0.1, z: 0.1} }, crab: null }, allScripts: { loadFile: "Load From File..." }, allUnitTypes: { inches: "Inches", mm: "mm" //um: "micron" } } });