//all property lists for the app, these are "static" variables function AppPList(){ return { allMenuTabs: { navDesign:{ lattice:"Lattice", import:"Import", //sketch:"Sketch", part:"Part", script:"Script" }, navSim:{ physics:"Physics", part:"Part", material:"Material", optimize:"Optimize" }, navAssemble:{ assembler:"Assembler", cam: "Process", animate:"Preview", send: "Send" } }, allCellTypes: { octa:"Octahedron", tetra: "Tetrahedron (Coming Soon)", cube:"Cube", truncatedCube:"Cuboctahedron", kelvin:"Kelvin" }, allConnectionTypes: { octa: {face:"Face", edgeRot:"Edge", vertex:"Vertex"},//edge:"Edge", freeformFace:"Freeform Face" tetra: {vertex: "Vertex"}, cube: {face:"Face", gik: "GIK"}, truncatedCube: {face:"Face"}, kelvin: {face: "Face"} }, allPartTypes:{ octa:{ face: { triangle:"Triangle" //beam:"Beam", //truss:"Truss" }, freeformFace: { trox:"Troxes" //beam:"Beam" }, edge: null, edgeRot: { vox: "Snap Voxel (high res)", voxLowPoly: "Snap Voxel (low res)" //beam:"Beam" }, vertex: null//{ //beam:"Beam", // square:"Square", // xShape:"X" // } }, tetra: {vertex: null}, cube: {face: null, gik: { lego: "Micro LEGO (high res)", legoLowPoly: "Micro LEGO (low res)" } }, truncatedCube: {face: null}, kelvin: {face: null} }, allMaterialTypes:{ octa:{ face: null, freeformFace: null, edge: null, edgeRot: null, vertex: null//{ //beam:"Beam", // square:"Square", // xShape:"X" // } }, tetra: {vertex: null}, cube: {face: null, gik: { brass:{ name: "Brass", color: "#b5a642", altColor: "#e67e22" }, fiberGlass: { name: "Fiberglass", color: "#fef1b5", altColor: "#ecf0f1" }, carbonFiber: { name: "Carbon Fiber", color: "#222", altColor: "#000" }, silicon: { name: "Silicon", color: "#bcc6cc", altColor: "#3498db" } } }, truncatedCube: {face: null}, kelvin: {face: null} }, allMachineTypes:{ octa:{ face: {handOfGod: "Hand of God"}, freeformFace: {handOfGod: "Hand of God"}, edgeRot: { shopbot: "Shopbot", oneBitBot: "One Bit Bot", oneBitBotLegs: "One Bit Bot with Legs", handOfGod: "Hand of God" }, vertex: {handOfGod: "Hand of God"} }, tetra: { vertex:{handOfGod: "Hand of God"} }, cube:{ face:{handOfGod: "Hand of God"}, gik: {handOfGod: "Hand of God"} }, truncatedCube:{ face:{handOfGod: "Hand of God"} }, kelvin:{ face:{handOfGod: "Hand of God"} } }, allAssemblyStrategies: { raster: "Raster" }, allCamProcesses: { shopbot:{ shopbot: "Shopbot (sbp)", gcode: "G-Code" }, handOfGod:{gcode: "G-Code"}, oneBitBot:{ gcode: "G-Code", tinyG: "TinyG" } }, allScripts: { loadFile: "Load From File..." }, allUnitTypes: { inches: "Inches", mm: "mm", //um: "micron" } }}