function stlFromGeometry( geometry, options ) { // calculate the faces and normals if they are not yet present geometry.computeFaceNormals() var addX = 0 var addY = 0 var addZ = 0 var download = false if ( options ) { if ( options.useObjectPosition ) { addX = geometry.mesh.position.x addY = geometry.mesh.position.y addZ = geometry.mesh.position.z } if ( ) { download = true } } var facetToStl = function( verts, normal ) { var faceStl = '' faceStl += 'facet normal ' + normal.x + ' ' + normal.y + ' ' + normal.z + '\n' faceStl += 'outer loop\n' for ( var j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { var vert = verts[j] faceStl += 'vertex ' + (vert.x+addX) + ' ' + (vert.y+addY) + ' ' + (vert.z+addZ) + '\n' } faceStl += 'endloop\n' faceStl += 'endfacet\n' return faceStl } // start bulding the STL string var stl = '' stl += 'solid\n' for ( var i = 0; i < geometry.faces.length; i++ ) { var face = geometry.faces[i] // if we have just a griangle, that's easy. just write them to the file if ( face.d === undefined ) { var verts = [ geometry.vertices[ face.a ], geometry.vertices[ face.b ], geometry.vertices[ face.c ] ] stl += facetToStl( verts, face.normal ) } else { // if it's a quad, we need to triangulate it first // split the quad into two triangles: abd and bcd var verts = [] verts[0] = [ geometry.vertices[ face.a ], geometry.vertices[ face.b ], geometry.vertices[ face.d ] ] verts[1] = [ geometry.vertices[ face.b ], geometry.vertices[ face.c ], geometry.vertices[ face.d ] ] for ( var k = 0; k<2; k++ ) { stl += facetToStl( verts[k], face.normal ) } } } stl += 'endsolid' if ( download ) { document.location = 'data:Application/octet-stream, ' + encodeURIComponent( stl ) } return stl }