diff --git a/as5013-test/nrf52-as5013-interior.png b/as5013-test/nrf52-as5013-interior.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8144b66cd67228fff89796ceed0ef047336f2a27
Binary files /dev/null and b/as5013-test/nrf52-as5013-interior.png differ
diff --git a/as5013-test/nrf52-as5013-layout.png b/as5013-test/nrf52-as5013-layout.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61da6d7911dbf31cdbd35a5558681448330d0c19
Binary files /dev/null and b/as5013-test/nrf52-as5013-layout.png differ
diff --git a/as5013-test/nrf52-as5013-traces.png b/as5013-test/nrf52-as5013-traces.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7a1f8a4f493ace3ba6082761a20f338d924a8ad
Binary files /dev/null and b/as5013-test/nrf52-as5013-traces.png differ
diff --git a/as5013-test/nrf52-as5013.ko b/as5013-test/nrf52-as5013.ko
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a8994636505dfd434ff3e470ae5dc2cec36914ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/as5013-test/nrf52-as5013.ko
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+from koko.lib.pcb import *
+from koko.lib.sam import *
+class R_0805_small(Component):
+    ''' 0805 Resistor
+    '''
+    _pad_0805 = s2d.rectangle(-.017,.017, -.026, .026)
+    pins = [Pin(-0.04, 0, _pad_0805), Pin(0.04, 0, _pad_0805)]
+    prefix = 'R'
+    vias = []
+class Button(Component):
+    ''' SW262CT-ND 
+    '''
+    rect = rectangle(-.75/25.4,.75/25.4,-.5/25.4,.5/25.4)
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-2/25.4,.8/25.4,rect),
+        Pin( 2/25.4,.8/25.4,rect),
+        Pin(-2/25.4,-.8/25.4,rect),
+        Pin( 2/25.4,-.8/25.4,rect)
+    ]
+    prefix = 'button'
+    vias = []
+    shadow = rectangle(-2.1/25.4,2.1/25.4,-1.4/25.4,1.4/25.4)
+class TagConnectSWD(Component):
+    '''
+    '''
+    _pad = s2d.circle(0,0,.5*.031)
+    _via = s2d.circle(0,0,.5*.039)
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-.05,-.025,_pad,'VCC',label_size=.012),
+        Pin( .00,-.025,_pad,'TX',label_size=.012),
+        Pin( .05,-.025,_pad,'RX',label_size=.012),
+        Pin(-.05,.025,_pad,'GND',label_size=.012),
+        Pin( .00,.025,_pad,'SWDIO',label_size=.012),
+        Pin( .05,.025,_pad,'SWDCLK',label_size=.012)
+    ]
+    vias = [
+        Via(-.1,0,_via),
+        Via(.1,0.04,_via),
+        Via(.1,-.04,_via),
+    ]
+class AS5013(Component):
+    #Austrian Microsystems AS5013 2d linear magnetic encoder
+    p = .65/25.4 #pitch
+    pw = .2/25.4 #half pad width
+    ph = .35/25.4 #half pad height
+    pe = .4/25.4 #pad extension outwards
+    pad_1 = s2d.rectangle(-ph-pe,ph,-pw,pw)
+    pad_2 = s2d.rectangle(-pw,pw,-ph-pe,ph)
+    pad_3 = s2d.rectangle(-ph,ph+pe,-pw,pw)
+    pad_4 = s2d.rectangle(-pw,pw,-ph,ph+pe)
+    w = 3.7/25.4 #side width
+    labels = [  'SDA','SCL','RST','INT',
+                'TB0','TB1','TB2','TB3',
+                'COIL','ADR','VDDp','VDD',
+                'VSS','MODE','PCLK','PDIO']
+    pins = [Pin(-.5*w, (1.5-i)*p, pad_1, l, label_size=.015) for i,l in enumerate(labels[:4])]
+    pins += [Pin((-1.5+i)*p, -.5*w,pad_2, l, label_size=.015,label_rot=-90) for i,l in enumerate(labels[4:8])]
+    pins += [Pin(.5*w, (-1.5+i)*p,pad_3, l, label_size=.015) for i,l in enumerate(labels[8:12])]
+    pins += [Pin((1.5-i)*p, .5*w,pad_4, l, label_size=.015,label_rot=-90) for i,l in enumerate(labels[12:])]
+    pins += [Pin(0,0,rectangle(-1.2/25.4,1.2/25.4,-1.2/25.4,1.2/25.4))]
+    prefix = 'U'
+    vias = []
+    shadow = rectangle(-.5*w,.5*w,-.5*w,.5*w)
+class Regulator_SOT23(Component):
+    '''  SOT23 voltage regulator
+    '''
+    _pad_SOT23 = s2d.rectangle(-.02,.02,-.012,.012)
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-0.045, -0.0375, _pad_SOT23,'IN'),
+        Pin(-0.045,  0.0375, _pad_SOT23,'OUT'),
+        Pin(0.045, 0, _pad_SOT23,'GND')
+    ]
+    prefix = 'U'
+    vias = []
+class Crystal_FC135(Component):
+    '''  CRYSTAL 32.7680KHZ 12.5PF SMT
+    '''
+    _pad = s2d.rectangle(-.5/25.4,.5/25.4,-.9/25.4,.9/25.4)
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-1.25/25.4, 0, _pad),
+        Pin( 1.25/25.4, 0, _pad),
+    ]
+    prefix = 'U'
+    vias = []
+class Header_FTDI(Component):
+    ''' FTDI cable header
+    '''
+    _pad_header = chamfered_rectangle(-0.06, 0.08,-0.025, 0.025,.007)
+    pins = [
+        #Pin(0, -0.25, _pad_header, 'RTS'),
+        Pin(0, -0.15, _pad_header, 'RX'),
+        Pin(0, -0.05, _pad_header, 'TX'),
+        Pin(0,  0.05, _pad_header, 'VCC'),
+        Pin(0,  0.15, _pad_header, 'CTS'),
+        Pin(0,  0.25, _pad_header, 'GND')
+    ]
+    prefix = 'J'
+    vias = []
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-.06,8/25.4,-.3,.3)
+    #shadow = s2d.rectangle(-.06,8/25.4,-.3,.2)
+class Header_Power(Component):
+    ''' FTDI cable header
+    '''
+    _pad_header = chamfered_rectangle(-0.06, 0.08,-0.025, 0.025,.007)
+    pins = [
+        Pin(0, 0.05, _pad_header, 'VCC'),
+        Pin(0, -0.05, _pad_header, 'GND'),
+    ]
+    prefix = 'J'
+    vias = []
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-.06,.06,-.13,.13)
+    #shadow = s2d.rectangle(-.06,8/25.4,-.3,.2)
+def bot_chamfered_rectangle(x0,x1,y0,y1,c):
+    r = rectangle(x0,x1,y0,y1)
+    c1 = triangle(x0,y0,x0,y0+c,x0+c,y0)
+    c2 = triangle(x1,y1, x1, y1-c, x1-c, y1)
+    c3 = triangle(x0,y1, x0+c, y1, x0, y1-c)
+    c4 = triangle(x1,y0, x1-c, y0, x1, y0+c)
+    return r-c2-c3
+class CR20XX(Component):
+    #coin cell battery, e.g. 2032
+    pins = [
+        Pin(0,0,circle(0,0,5./25.4),'-')
+    ]
+    shadow = circle(0,0,10./25.4)
+    vias = []
+class AAA(Component):
+    #AAA battery smd holder
+    pad = chamfered_rectangle(-.125,.125,-.12,.12,.05)
+    pins = [
+        Pin(1.21-.125,0,pad,'+',label_size=.08),
+        Pin(-1.21+.125,0,pad,'-',label_size=.08),
+    ]
+    shadow = rectangle(-1.07,1.07,-.25,.25)
+    vias = [
+        Via(-1.21+.25,.209,circle(0,0,.039))
+    ]
+class BC832(Component):
+    #Fanstel BC832 micro nrf52 module
+    p = 1.1/25.4
+    pad_hw = .7/25.4
+    pad_hh = .34/25.4
+    _pad_lga = circle(0,0,.32/25.4)
+    _pad = rectangle(-pad_hw,pad_hw,-pad_hh,pad_hh)
+    c= 3.9/25.4
+    start_y = .618/25.4
+    y_os = .18
+    names = [
+        'GND','DFU','SWDIO','SWDCLK','P18','P13','P11','P12',
+        'A1','RESET','XL1','XL2','A0','P27','P26','VDD',
+    ]
+    pins = [Pin(-c,start_y+i*p-y_os,_pad,n,label_size=.018) for i,n in enumerate(names[:8][::-1])]
+    pins += [Pin(c,start_y+i*p-y_os,_pad,n,label_size=.018) for i,n in enumerate(names[8:16])]
+    pins += [
+        Pin(-c+2.15/25.4,-y_os+.519/25.4,_pad_lga,'P8',label_size=.01),
+        Pin(-c+2.15/25.4,-y_os+(1.2+.519)/25.4,_pad_lga,'P6',label_size=.01),
+        #Pin(-c+2.15/25.4,-y_os+(2*1.2+.519)/25.4,_pad_lga,'A2',label_size=.01),    
+        #Pin(-c+2.15/25.4,-y_os+(4*1.2+.519)/25.4,_pad_lga,'A4',label_size=.01),    
+        #Pin(-c+2.15/25.4,-y_os+(3*1.2+.519)/25.4,_pad_lga,'',label_size=.01),        
+        #Pin(-c+2.15/25.4+1.2/25.4,-y_os+(2*1.2+.519)/25.4,_pad_lga,'',label_size=.01),        
+        #Pin(-c+2.15/25.4+1.2/25.4,-y_os+(3*1.2+.519)/25.4,_pad_lga,'',label_size=.01),        
+        #Pin(-c+2.15/25.4+1.2/25.4,-y_os+(4*1.2+.519)/25.4,_pad_lga,'',label_size=.01),        
+        #Pin(-c+2.15/25.4+2*1.2/25.4,-y_os+(3*1.2+.519)/25.4,_pad_lga,'',label_size=.01),        
+        #Pin(-c+2.15/25.4+3*1.2/25.4,-y_os+(3*1.2+.519)/25.4,_pad_lga,'',label_size=.01)        
+    ]
+    vias = []
+    shadow = rectangle(-c,c,-y_os,8.8/25.4-y_os)
+class Hole(Component):
+    pins = [Pin(0,0,circle(0,0,0.01))]
+    vias = [Via(0,0,circle(0,0,.5*2.2/25.4))]
+    tap = circle(0,0,.5*1.9/25.5)
+width = .9
+height = .89
+pcb = PCB(0,0,width,height,chamfer_distance=.07)
+def connectG(pin,dx,dy,width=.012):
+    '''
+    Convenience function for connecting to ground plane
+    '''
+    pcb.connectD(pin,[pin.x+dx,pin.y+dy],[pin.x+dx-.0001,pin.y+dy],width=width,sides=[0,1,1])
+def connectS(pin,dx,dy,width=.012):
+    pcb.connectD(pin,[pin.x+dx+.0001,pin.y+dy],width=width)
+def connectM(pin1,pin2,dx,width=.012):
+    pcb.connectD(pin1,[pin1.x+dx,pin1.y],pin2,width=width)
+bc = BC832(width-.25,height-.29,-90,'Fanstel\nBC832\nNRF52')
+pcb += bc
+#pow = Header_Power(.2,height-.36,180,'pow')
+#pcb += pow
+reg = Regulator_SOT23(bc.x-.5,bc.y-.09,-180,'3.3v')
+pcb += reg
+C_in = C_0805(reg.x+.18,reg.y-.05,90,'Cin\n.1uF',label_size=.02)
+pcb += C_in
+C_out = C_0805(reg.x-.05,reg.y-.09,0,'Cout\n.1uF',label_size=.02)
+pcb += C_out
+swd = TagConnectSWD(bc.x-.33,bc.y+.12,0,'swd')
+pcb += swd
+button = Button(swd.x-.2,swd.y-.03,90)
+pcb += button
+C2 = C_0805(C_out.x+.13,C_out.y,-180,'C2\n10uF',label_size=.02)
+pcb += C2
+R1 = R_0805(C_in.x+.08,bc['RESET'].y+.01,90,'10k',label_size=.03)
+pcb += R1
+#pcb.connectV(reg['OUT'],[reg['OUT'].x-.19,reg['OUT'].y-.11], [width-.02,height-.02], [bc['VDD'].x,bc['VDD'].y-.04], bc['VDD']).cut_corners([(3,.1),(5,.08)])
+#mounting holes
+w = 25/25.4
+h = .16
+hall = AS5013(.5*width,h,-180)
+pcb += hall
+#TODO: check bolt holes
+RSDA = R_1206(bc['XL2'].x+.09,bc['XL2'].y-.08,0,'RSDA')
+pcb += RSDA
+RSCL = R_1206(bc['XL1'].x+.045,RSDA.y-.1,0,'RSCL')
+pcb += RSCL
+C_hall = C_1206(hall.x-.21,hall.y-.02,0,'100nF')
+pcb += C_hall
+#pow = Header_Power(reg.x-.2,reg.y,0,'pow')
+#pcb += pow
+h1 = Hole(.5*width-.5*w,h,0)
+h2 = Hole(.5*width+.5*w,h,0)
+pcb.custom_cutout = chamfered_rectangle(0,width,0,height,.1)
+pcb.custom_cutout += capsule(h1.x-h,h2.x+h,h,h)
+pcb += h1
+pcb += h2
+#TODO: add power for remote operation... doh
+cad.shapes = pcb.layout()
+#cad.shape = pcb.traces+(pcb.cutout-pcb.cutout)
+#cad.shape = pcb.cutout+(pcb.traces-pcb.traces)