diff --git a/Bootloaders/CDC/makefile b/Bootloaders/CDC/makefile
index 3e43a168de9aab5a2d5e6e579f8cb4204cf18feb..3b2e2db0bd7adb8453fccb6eee66d61cd223a587 100644
--- a/Bootloaders/CDC/makefile
+++ b/Bootloaders/CDC/makefile
@@ -86,11 +86,13 @@ F_CLOCK = $(F_CPU)
 # Starting byte address of the bootloader, as a byte address - computed via the formula
 # Note that the bootloader size and start address given in AVRStudio is in words and not
 # bytes, and so will need to be doubled to obtain the byte address needed by AVR-GCC.
-BOOT_START = 0x1E000
+FLASH_SIZE_KB        = 128
+BOOT_START           = 0x$(shell echo "obase=16; ($(FLASH_SIZE_KB) - $(BOOT_SECTION_SIZE_KB)) * 1024" | bc)
 # Output format. (can be srec, ihex, binary)
diff --git a/Bootloaders/DFU/BootloaderDFU.c b/Bootloaders/DFU/BootloaderDFU.c
index 2f5abba5cdb77223d5ede9572cdf72dccaf2428f..41b3e37baa4be78e6914e2853f4dd16a3e3e4531 100644
--- a/Bootloaders/DFU/BootloaderDFU.c
+++ b/Bootloaders/DFU/BootloaderDFU.c
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
 /** Flag to indicate if the bootloader is currently running in secure mode, disallowing memory operations
  *  other than erase. This is initially set to the value set by SECURE_MODE, and cleared by the bootloader
- *  once a memory erase has completed.
+ *  once a memory erase has completed in a bootloader session.
-bool IsSecure      = SECURE_MODE;
+bool IsSecure = SECURE_MODE;
 /** Flag to indicate if the bootloader should be running, or should exit and allow the application code to run
  *  via a soft reset. When cleared, the bootloader will abort, the USB interface will shut down and the application
diff --git a/Bootloaders/DFU/makefile b/Bootloaders/DFU/makefile
index 061fb39b21686100301739f40002b70df759205f..bcb908b1b568b4a9b6e81dd2862c3fa32551814d 100644
--- a/Bootloaders/DFU/makefile
+++ b/Bootloaders/DFU/makefile
@@ -86,11 +86,13 @@ F_CLOCK = $(F_CPU)
 # Starting byte address of the bootloader, as a byte address - computed via the formula
 # Note that the bootloader size and start address given in AVRStudio is in words and not
 # bytes, and so will need to be doubled to obtain the byte address needed by AVR-GCC.
-BOOT_START = 0x1E000
+FLASH_SIZE_KB        = 128
+BOOT_START           = 0x$(shell echo "obase=16; ($(FLASH_SIZE_KB) - $(BOOT_SECTION_SIZE_KB)) * 1024" | bc)
 # Output format. (can be srec, ihex, binary)
diff --git a/LUFA/ManPages/LUFAPoweredProjects.txt b/LUFA/ManPages/LUFAPoweredProjects.txt
index b8aa0e9c32f643113c943274ae168a515bb8513d..767e3b0cb33bb2e74af2e78c28f93a20adc13a82 100644
--- a/LUFA/ManPages/LUFAPoweredProjects.txt
+++ b/LUFA/ManPages/LUFAPoweredProjects.txt
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
  *  - MidiMonster, a USB-to-MIDI gateway board: http://www.dorkbotpdx.org/wiki/midimonster
  *  - Mobo 4.3, a USB controlled all band (160-10m) HF SDR transceiver: http://sites.google.com/site/lofturj/mobo4_3
  *  - Moco, a native Arduino Uno MIDI replacement firmware: http://web.mac.com/kuwatay/morecat_lab./MocoLUFA.html
+ *  - Music Playing Alarm Clock (Tutorial): http://www.instructables.com/id/Music-Playing-Alarm-Clock/
  *  - NeroJTAG, a JTAG dongle: https://github.com/makestuff/neroJtag
  *  - NES Controller USB modification: http://projects.peterpolidoro.net/video/NESUSB.htm
  *  - Opendous-JTAG, an open source ARM JTAG debugger: http://code.google.com/p/opendous-jtag/
diff --git a/LUFA/ManPages/MigrationInformation.txt b/LUFA/ManPages/MigrationInformation.txt
index 25669400fbe7b0700f710c405c1fbfe3f9155ce1..a85d63f17457bfc0496b8fde321ca947c48cfa79 100644
--- a/LUFA/ManPages/MigrationInformation.txt
+++ b/LUFA/ManPages/MigrationInformation.txt
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
  *  \section Sec_Migration090924 Migrating from 090810 to 090924
  *  <b>Non-USB Library Components</b>
- *    - The \c ADC_Off() function has been renamed to \ref ADC_ShutDown() to be consistent with the rest of the library.
+ *    - The \c ADC_Off() function has been renamed to \c ADC_ShutDown() to be consistent with the rest of the library.
  *    - The \ref SPI_Init() routine's parameters have changed, so that the clock polarity and data sampling modes can be set. See
  *      the \ref SPI_Init() function documentation for more details
  *    - The \ref Dataflash_Init() routine no longer initializes the SPI bus - the SPI bus should be initialized manually via a