diff --git a/Demos/Device/ClassDriver/RNDISEthernet/Lib/TCP.h b/Demos/Device/ClassDriver/RNDISEthernet/Lib/TCP.h
index b5152b3121aa10bef26c38d64e17065ca21e301e..ac144150c2c7fbd22a09d378d6e2d59bf807e44d 100644
--- a/Demos/Device/ClassDriver/RNDISEthernet/Lib/TCP.h
+++ b/Demos/Device/ClassDriver/RNDISEthernet/Lib/TCP.h
@@ -101,9 +101,7 @@
 		 *  \return Boolean true if the buffer has been captured by the application for device-to-host transmissions, false otherwise
-		#define TCP_APP_HAVE_CAPTURED_BUFFER(Buffer) (!(Buffer->Ready) && Buffer->InUse && \
-                           (Buffer->Direction == TCP_PACKETDIR_OUT))
+		#define TCP_APP_HAVE_CAPTURED_BUFFER(Buffer) (!(Buffer->Ready) && Buffer->InUse && (Buffer->Direction == TCP_PACKETDIR_OUT))
 		/** Application macro: Indicates if the application can lock the buffer for multiple continued device-to-host transmissions.
diff --git a/LUFA/ManPages/Donating.txt b/LUFA/ManPages/Donating.txt
index 984cbfb543e015dac5a04532455477e71032747b..fff54adcb3f8e0c6f7261a8070bb41cf3f26e8a0 100644
--- a/LUFA/ManPages/Donating.txt
+++ b/LUFA/ManPages/Donating.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
  *  donations are <i>greatly</i> appreciated.
  *  Note that commercial entities can remove the attribution portion of the LUFA license by a one-time fee - see
- *  \ref Page_LicenceInfo for more details (<b>Note: Please do NOT pay this in advance through the donation link below -
+ *  \ref Page_LicenseInfo for more details (<b>Note: Please do NOT pay this in advance through the donation link below -
  *  contact author for payment details.</b>).
  *  \image html "http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/6927.png?skin_name=chrome"
diff --git a/LUFA/ManPages/LUFAvsAtmelStack.txt b/LUFA/ManPages/LUFAvsAtmelStack.txt
index 99e2dc3a7d18f69121d2ce8c04bbee936f6c19af..fba26524acfd8fa385e9f59c7acfa61c2042661a 100644
--- a/LUFA/ManPages/LUFAvsAtmelStack.txt
+++ b/LUFA/ManPages/LUFAvsAtmelStack.txt
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
  *  official Atmel USB stack. Below are just some of the advantages to choosing LUFA over the official stack.
  *  - <b>Licensing:</b>
- *    LUFA is released under a very permissive MIT license (see \ref Page_LicenceInfo), while the Atmel stack carries several
+ *    LUFA is released under a very permissive MIT license (see \ref Page_LicenseInfo), while the Atmel stack carries several
  *    restrictions as to how and where it can be used. LUFA's licensing should be suitable for both Commercial and Non-Commercial
  *    entities alike.
diff --git a/LUFA/ManPages/MainPage.txt b/LUFA/ManPages/MainPage.txt
index 1282fabc0706913772ea66f8736e5ad534fac4ef..f8cd2e576dc9e5b8bbd79cb6df3b871e3e361806 100644
--- a/LUFA/ManPages/MainPage.txt
+++ b/LUFA/ManPages/MainPage.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
  *  <b>LUFA is donationware. For author and donation information, see \ref Page_Donating.</b>
- *  LUFA is an open-source USB library for the USB-enabled AVR microcontrollers, released under the MIT license (see \ref Page_LicenceInfo).
+ *  LUFA is an open-source USB library for the USB-enabled AVR microcontrollers, released under the MIT license (see \ref Page_LicenseInfo).
  *  It supports a large number of USB AVR models and boards (see \ref Page_DeviceSupport). It is designed to provide an easy to use,
  *  feature rich framework for the development of USB peripherals and hosts.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
  *  \li \subpage Page_WhyUseLUFA - What are the advantages of using LUFA?
  *  \li \subpage Page_LUFAvsAtmelStack - How does LUFA compare to the Atmel USB AVR stack?
  *  \li \subpage Page_AlternativeStacks - Alternative USB AVR Stacks
- *  \li \subpage Page_LicenceInfo - Project source license and commercial use information
+ *  \li \subpage Page_LicenseInfo - Project source license and commercial use information
  *  \li \subpage Page_Donating - Donating to support this project
  *  \li \subpage Page_LibraryApps - Overview of included Demos, Bootloaders and Projects