diff --git a/LUFA/ManPages/ChangeLog.txt b/LUFA/ManPages/ChangeLog.txt
index f04fbe437fa2b8c6a4fcdd25ba6cd45fac29b4f5..48d8916011bdd17c498f9677603feb767824f1bf 100644
--- a/LUFA/ManPages/ChangeLog.txt
+++ b/LUFA/ManPages/ChangeLog.txt
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
  /** \page Page_ChangeLog Project Changelog
-  *  \section Sec_ChangeLogXXXXXX Version XXXXXX
+  *  \section Sec_ChangeLog100513 Version 100513
   *  <b>New:</b>
+  *  - N/A
   *  <b>Changed:</b>
   *  - The TeensyHID bootloader has been removed, per request from Paul at PJRC
diff --git a/LUFA/ManPages/MigrationInformation.txt b/LUFA/ManPages/MigrationInformation.txt
index 2f90e741f13456b718cfb61b837189264fe1fe6a..7653a44b6115880cf906bba888ef65ca63ecdee4 100644
--- a/LUFA/ManPages/MigrationInformation.txt
+++ b/LUFA/ManPages/MigrationInformation.txt
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
  *  to the next version released. It does not indicate all new additions to the library in each version change, only
  *  areas relevant to making older projects compatible with the API changes of each new release.
- * \section Sec_MigrationXXXXXX Migrating from 100512 to XXXXXX
+ * \section Sec_Migration100513 Migrating from 100512 to 100513
+ *  This release was made shortly after the 100512 release, to fix a critical device-mode error. No specific migration
+ *  information applies to this release - see \ref Sec_Migration100512 for migration information of the previous release.
  * \section Sec_Migration100512 Migrating from 100219 to 100512