diff --git a/LUFA/DoxygenPages/LUFAPoweredProjects.txt b/LUFA/DoxygenPages/LUFAPoweredProjects.txt
index c69b51b6832a243f810216b6c8fbfc25d6bcb876..4d8e46a22d3aeebf0c0486df9291fcda69563cc3 100644
--- a/LUFA/DoxygenPages/LUFAPoweredProjects.txt
+++ b/LUFA/DoxygenPages/LUFAPoweredProjects.txt
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
  *  - CD Driver Emulator Dongle for ISO Files: http://cdemu.blogspot.com/
  *  - ClockTamer, a configurable clock generator: http://code.google.com/p/clock-tamer/
  *  - Collection of alternative Arduino Uno firmwares: http://hunt.net.nz/users/darran/
+ *  - Computer controlled LED matrix (Russian): http://we.easyelectronics.ru/AVR/nebolshoy-primer-s-lufa-hidapi.html
  *  - CULFW, a 868MHz RF packet encoder/decoder: http://www.koeniglich.de/culfw/culfw.html
  *  - Dashkey, a custom PC keyboard controller: http://geekhack.org/showwiki.php?title=Island:19096
  *  - DIY PS3 controller emulator: https://code.google.com/p/diyps3controller/
@@ -74,7 +75,6 @@
  *  - Mobo 4.3, a USB controlled all band (160-10m) HF SDR transceiver: http://sites.google.com/site/lofturj/mobo4_3
  *  - Moco, a native Arduino Uno MIDI replacement firmware: http://web.mac.com/kuwatay/morecat_lab./MocoLUFA.html
  *  - Motherboard BIOS flasher: http://www.coreboot.org/InSystemFlasher
- *  - MRF49XA RF Tranceiver Dongle: http://www.github.com/hpux735/MRF49XA-Dongle
  *  - Multi-button Joystick (French): http://logicien-parfait.fr/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=projet:joystick
  *  - Music Playing Alarm Clock (Tutorial): http://www.instructables.com/id/Music-Playing-Alarm-Clock/
  *  - NeroJTAG, a JTAG dongle: https://github.com/makestuff/neroJtag
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
  *  - PSGroove, a Playstation 3 Homebrew dongle: http://github.com/psgroove
  *  - PS/2 to USB adapter: https://github.com/makestuff/p2ukbd
  *  - Reprap with LUFA, a LUFA powered 3D printer: http://code.google.com/p/at90usb1287-code-for-arduino-and-eclipse/
+ *  - RF Transciever using the MRF49XA: http://alternet.us.com/?page_id=1494
  *  - SD Card reader: http://elasticsheep.com/2010/04/teensy2-usb-mass-storage-with-an-sd-card/
  *  - SDR1, a Software Defined Radio firmware: https://code.google.com/p/sdr-mk1/
  *  - SEGA Megadrive/Genesis Development Cartridge: http://www.makestuff.eu/wordpress/?page_id=398
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Common/HIDClassCommon.h b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Common/HIDClassCommon.h
index a9744430c7e1d9a8e5a58d68e00c7e84bd8dcfed..add6cf8c00f6f91fb08b986f3a4c99bcee1c2e18 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Common/HIDClassCommon.h
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Common/HIDClassCommon.h
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
 		 *  \param[in] MinPhysicalVal  Minimum X/Y physical axis value, for movement resolution calculations (16-bit).
 		 *  \param[in] MaxPhysicalVal  Maximum X/Y physical axis value, for movement resolution calculations (16-bit).
 		 *  \param[in] Buttons         Total number of buttons in the device (8-bit).
-		 *  \param[in] AbsoluteCoords  Boolean true to use absolute X/Y coordinates (e.g. touchscreen).
+		 *  \param[in] AbsoluteCoords  Boolean \c true to use absolute X/Y coordinates (e.g. touchscreen).
 		#define HID_DESCRIPTOR_MOUSE(MinAxisVal, MaxAxisVal, MinPhysicalVal, MaxPhysicalVal, Buttons, AbsoluteCoords) \
 			HID_RI_USAGE_PAGE(8, 0x01),                     \
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
 		/** \hideinitializer
 		 *  A list of HID report item array elements that describe a typical Vendor Defined byte array HID report descriptor,
 		 *  used for transporting arbitrary data between the USB host and device via HID reports. The resulting report should be
-		 *  a uint8_t byte array of the specified length in both Device to Host (IN) and Host to Device (OUT) directions.
+		 *  a \c uint8_t byte array of the specified length in both Device to Host (IN) and Host to Device (OUT) directions.
 		 *  \param[in] VendorPageNum    Vendor Defined HID Usage Page index, ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.
 		 *  \param[in] CollectionUsage  Vendor Usage for the encompassing report IN and OUT collection, ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.