From 9d6a373cb61b55b94312de3809ac76fcbd0a696c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dean Camera <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 06:08:39 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add const qualifiers to Host mode Class drivers.

Fix KeyboardHost ClassDriver demo; boot protocol keyboard report structure in the Host Mode HID Class driver uses the full keycode array from the attached device.
 .../ClassDriver/KeyboardHost/KeyboardHost.c   |  18 +--
 LUFA/Common/FunctionAttributes.h              | 104 +++++++++---------
 LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/CDC.c             |  16 +--
 LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/CDC.h             |  20 ++--
 LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HID.c             |  16 +--
 LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HID.h             |  18 +--
 LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HIDParser.c       |   2 +-
 LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HIDParser.h       |   4 +-
 LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/MassStorage.c     |  48 ++++----
 LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/MassStorage.h     |  38 ++++---
 LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/StillImage.c      |  28 ++---
 LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/StillImage.h      |  28 ++---
 LUFA/Drivers/USB/LowLevel/Pipe.c              |   2 +-
 LUFA/Drivers/USB/LowLevel/Pipe.h              |   2 +-
 14 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Demos/Host/ClassDriver/KeyboardHost/KeyboardHost.c b/Demos/Host/ClassDriver/KeyboardHost/KeyboardHost.c
index a6605f00f..effd16b01 100644
--- a/Demos/Host/ClassDriver/KeyboardHost/KeyboardHost.c
+++ b/Demos/Host/ClassDriver/KeyboardHost/KeyboardHost.c
@@ -115,25 +115,27 @@ int main(void)
 					USB_KeyboardReport_Data_t KeyboardReport;
 					uint8_t ReportID = 0;
 					HID_Host_ReceiveReport(&Keyboard_HID_Interface, false, &ReportID, &KeyboardReport);
 					LEDs_ChangeLEDs(LEDS_LED1, (KeyboardReport.Modifier) ? LEDS_LED1 : 0);
-					if (KeyboardReport.KeyCode)
+					uint8_t PressedKeyCode = KeyboardReport.KeyCode[0];
+					if (PressedKeyCode)
 						char PressedKey = 0;
 						/* Retrieve pressed key character if alphanumeric */
-						if ((KeyboardReport.KeyCode >= 0x04) && (KeyboardReport.KeyCode <= 0x1D))
-						  PressedKey = (KeyboardReport.KeyCode - 0x04) + 'A';
-						else if ((KeyboardReport.KeyCode >= 0x1E) && (KeyboardReport.KeyCode <= 0x27))
-						  PressedKey = (KeyboardReport.KeyCode - 0x1E) + '0';
-						else if (KeyboardReport.KeyCode == 0x2C)
+						if ((PressedKeyCode >= 0x04) && (PressedKeyCode <= 0x1D))
+						  PressedKey = (PressedKeyCode - 0x04) + 'A';
+						else if ((PressedKeyCode >= 0x1E) && (PressedKeyCode <= 0x27))
+						  PressedKey = (PressedKeyCode - 0x1E) + '0';
+						else if (PressedKeyCode == 0x2C)
 						  PressedKey = ' ';						
-						else if (KeyboardReport.KeyCode == 0x28)
+						else if (PressedKeyCode == 0x28)
 						  PressedKey = '\n';
 						if (PressedKey)
diff --git a/LUFA/Common/FunctionAttributes.h b/LUFA/Common/FunctionAttributes.h
index 9a293b619..f86e3d949 100644
--- a/LUFA/Common/FunctionAttributes.h
+++ b/LUFA/Common/FunctionAttributes.h
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
  *  and code generation features of the compiler. Attributes may be placed in the function prototype in any
  *  order, and multiple attributes can be specified for a single function via a space separated list.
+ *  On incompatible versions of GCC or on other compilers, these macros evaluate to nothing unless they are
+ *  critical to the code's function and thus must throw a compiler error when used.
+ *
  *  \note Do not include this file directly, rather include the Common.h header file instead to gain this file's
  *        functionality.
@@ -56,10 +59,57 @@
 	/* Public Interface - May be used in end-application: */
 		/* Macros: */
-			/** Indicates to the compiler that the function can not ever return, so that any stack restoring or
-			 *  return code may be omitted by the compiler in the resulting binary.
-			 */
-			#define ATTR_NO_RETURN              __attribute__ ((noreturn))
+			#if __GNUC__ >= 3
+				/** Indicates to the compiler that the function can not ever return, so that any stack restoring or
+				 *  return code may be omitted by the compiler in the resulting binary.
+				 */
+				#define ATTR_NO_RETURN              __attribute__ ((noreturn))
+				/** Indicates that the function returns a value which should not be ignored by the user code. When
+				 *  applied, any ignored return value from calling the function will produce a compiler warning.
+				 */
+				#define ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT     __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result))
+				/** Indicates that the specified parameters of the function are pointers which should never be NULL.
+				 *  When applied as a 1-based comma separated list the compiler will emit a warning if the specified
+				 *  parameters are known at compiler time to be NULL at the point of calling the function.
+				 */
+				#define ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(...)  __attribute__ ((nonnull (__VA_ARGS__)))
+				/** Removes any preamble or postamble from the function. When used, the function will not have any
+				 *  register or stack saving code. This should be used with caution, and when used the programmer
+				 *  is responsible for maintaining stack and register integrity.
+				 */
+				#define ATTR_NAKED                  __attribute__ ((naked))
+				/** Prevents the compiler from considering a specified function for inlining. When applied, the given
+				 *  function will not be inlined under any circumstances.
+				 */
+				#define ATTR_NO_INLINE              __attribute__ ((noinline))
+				/** Forces the compiler to inline the specified function. When applied, the given function will be
+				 *  inlined under all circumstances.
+				 */
+				#define ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE          __attribute__ ((always_inline))
+				/** Indicates that the specified function is pure, in that it has no side-effects other than global
+				 *  or parameter variable access.
+				 */
+				#define ATTR_PURE                   __attribute__ ((pure))
+				/** Indicates that the specified function is constant, in that it has no side effects other than
+				 *  parameter access.
+				 */
+				#define ATTR_CONST                  __attribute__ ((const))
+				/** Marks a given function as deprecated, which produces a warning if the function is called. */
+				#define ATTR_DEPRECATED             __attribute__ ((deprecated))
+				/** Marks a function as a weak reference, which can be overridden by other functions with an
+				 *  identical name (in which case the weak reference is discarded at link time).
+				 */
+				#define ATTR_WEAK                   __attribute__ ((weak))
+			#endif
 			/** Places the function in one of the initialization sections, which execute before the main function
 			 *  of the application. The init function number can be specified as "x", as an integer. Refer to the
@@ -67,54 +117,8 @@
 			#define ATTR_INIT_SECTION(x)        __attribute__ ((naked, section (".init" #x )))
-			/** Indicates that the function returns a value which should not be ignored by the user code. When
-			 *  applied, any ignored return value from calling the function will produce a compiler warning.
-			 */
-			#define ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT     __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result))
-			/** Indicates that the specified parameters of the function are pointers which should never be NULL.
-			 *  When applied as a 1-based comma separated list the compiler will emit a warning if the specified
-			 *  parameters are known at compiler time to be NULL at the point of calling the function.
-			 */
-			#define ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(...)  __attribute__ ((nonnull (__VA_ARGS__)))
-			/** Removes any preamble or postamble from the function. When used, the function will not have any
-			 *  register or stack saving code. This should be used with caution, and when used the programmer
-			 *  is responsible for maintaining stack and register integrity.
-			 */
-			#define ATTR_NAKED                  __attribute__ ((naked))
-			/** Prevents the compiler from considering a specified function for inlining. When applied, the given
-			 *  function will not be inlined under any circumstances.
-			 */
-			#define ATTR_NO_INLINE              __attribute__ ((noinline))
-			/** Forces the compiler to inline the specified function. When applied, the given function will be
-			 *  inlined under all circumstances.
-			 */
-			#define ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE          __attribute__ ((always_inline))
-			/** Indicates that the specified function is pure, in that it has no side-effects other than global
-			 *  or parameter variable access.
-			 */
-			#define ATTR_PURE                   __attribute__ ((pure))
-			/** Indicates that the specified function is constant, in that it has no side effects other than
-			 *  parameter access.
-			 */
-			#define ATTR_CONST                  __attribute__ ((const))
-			/** Marks a given function as deprecated, which produces a warning if the function is called. */
-			#define ATTR_DEPRECATED             __attribute__ ((deprecated))
-			/** Marks a function as a weak reference, which can be overridden by other functions with an
-			 *  identical name (in which case the weak reference is discarded at link time).
-			 */
-			#define ATTR_WEAK                   __attribute__ ((weak))
 			/** Marks a function as an alias for another function of name "x". */
 			#define ATTR_ALIAS(x)               __attribute__ ((alias( #x )))
 /** @} */
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/CDC.c b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/CDC.c
index 8ef6242e4..fde145ac6 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/CDC.c
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/CDC.c
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 #include "CDC.h"
-uint8_t CDC_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorSize,
+uint8_t CDC_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorSize,
                                 uint8_t* ConfigDescriptorData)
 	uint8_t FoundEndpoints = 0;
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ static uint8_t DComp_CDC_Host_NextCDCInterfaceEndpoint(void* CurrentDescriptor)
 	return DESCRIPTOR_SEARCH_NotFound;
-void CDC_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo)
+void CDC_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(CDCInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ void CDC_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo)
-uint8_t CDC_Host_SetLineEncoding(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo)
+uint8_t CDC_Host_SetLineEncoding(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo)
 	USB_ControlRequest = (USB_Request_Header_t)
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ uint8_t CDC_Host_SetLineEncoding(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo)
 	return USB_Host_SendControlRequest(&CDCInterfaceInfo->State.LineEncoding);
-uint8_t CDC_Host_SendControlLineStateChange(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo)
+uint8_t CDC_Host_SendControlLineStateChange(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo)
 	USB_ControlRequest = (USB_Request_Header_t)
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ uint8_t CDC_Host_SendControlLineStateChange(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfa
 	return USB_Host_SendControlRequest(NULL);
-uint8_t CDC_Host_SendString(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo, char* Data, uint16_t Length)
+uint8_t CDC_Host_SendString(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo, char* Data, const uint16_t Length)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(CDCInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return PIPE_READYWAIT_NoError;
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ uint8_t CDC_Host_SendString(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo, char* Da
 	return ErrorCode;
-uint8_t CDC_Host_SendByte(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo, uint8_t Data)
+uint8_t CDC_Host_SendByte(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t Data)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(CDCInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return PIPE_READYWAIT_NoError;;
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ uint8_t CDC_Host_SendByte(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo, uint8_t Da
 	return PIPE_READYWAIT_NoError;
-uint16_t CDC_Host_BytesReceived(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo)
+uint16_t CDC_Host_BytesReceived(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo)
 	uint16_t BytesInPipe = 0;
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ uint16_t CDC_Host_BytesReceived(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo)
 	return BytesInPipe;
-uint8_t CDC_Host_ReceiveByte(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo)
+uint8_t CDC_Host_ReceiveByte(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo)
 	uint8_t ReceivedByte = 0;
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/CDC.h b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/CDC.h
index df5a41ff0..3fb04f301 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/CDC.h
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/CDC.h
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 			 *  \param[in,out] CDCInterfaceInfo  Pointer to a structure containing an CDC Class host configuration and state
-			void CDC_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			void CDC_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Host interface configuration routine, to configure a given CDC host interface instance using the Configuration
 			 *  Descriptor read from an attached USB device. This function automatically updates the given CDC Host instance's
@@ -133,12 +133,12 @@
 			 *  the Addressed state.
 			 *  \param[in,out] CDCInterfaceInfo  Pointer to a structure containing an CDC Class host configuration and state
-			 *  \param[in] ConfigDescriptorLength  Length of the attached device's Configuration Descriptor
+			 *  \param[in] ConfigDescriptorSize  Length of the attached device's Configuration Descriptor
 			 *  \param[in] DeviceConfigDescriptor  Pointer to a buffer containing the attached device's Configuration Descriptor
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref CDCHost_EnumerationFailure_ErrorCodes_t enum
-			uint8_t CDC_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorLength,
+			uint8_t CDC_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorSize,
 			                                uint8_t* DeviceConfigDescriptor) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
 			/** Sets the line encoding for the attached device's virtual serial port. This should be called when the LineEncoding
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref USB_Host_SendControlErrorCodes_t enum
-			uint8_t CDC_Host_SetLineEncoding(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t CDC_Host_SetLineEncoding(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Sends a Serial Control Line State Change notification to the device. This should be called when the virtual serial
 			 *  control lines (DTR, RTS, etc.) have changed states. Line states persist until they are cleared via a second
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref USB_Host_SendControlErrorCodes_t enum
-			uint8_t CDC_Host_SendControlLineStateChange(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t CDC_Host_SendControlLineStateChange(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Sends a given string to the attached USB device, if connected. If a device is not connected when the function is called, the
 			 *  string is discarded.
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum
-			uint8_t CDC_Host_SendString(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo, char* Data, uint16_t Length) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 2);
+			uint8_t CDC_Host_SendString(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo, char* Data, const uint16_t Length) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 2);
 			/** Sends a given byte to the attached USB device, if connected. If a host is not connected when the function is called, the
 			 *  byte is discarded.
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_WaitUntilReady_ErrorCodes_t enum
-			uint8_t CDC_Host_SendByte(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo, uint8_t Data) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t CDC_Host_SendByte(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t Data) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Determines the number of bytes received by the CDC interface from the device, waiting to be read.
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
 			 *  \return Total number of buffered bytes received from the device
-			uint16_t CDC_Host_BytesReceived(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint16_t CDC_Host_BytesReceived(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Reads a byte of data from the device. If no data is waiting to be read of if a USB device is not connected, the function
 			 *  returns 0. The \ref CDC_Host_BytesReceived() function should be queried before data is received to ensure that no data
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
 			 *  \return Next received byte from the device, or 0 if no data received
-			uint8_t CDC_Host_ReceiveByte(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t CDC_Host_ReceiveByte(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** CDC class driver event for a control line state change on a CDC host interface. This event fires each time the device notifies
 			 *  the host of a control line state change (containing the virtual serial control line states, such as DCD) and may be hooked in the
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
 			 *  \param[in,out] CDCInterfaceInfo  Pointer to a structure containing a CDC Class host configuration and state
-			void EVENT_CDC_Host_ControLineStateChanged(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* CDCInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			void EVENT_CDC_Host_ControLineStateChanged(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Host_t* const CDCInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 	/* Private Interface - For use in library only: */
 	#if !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HID.c b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HID.c
index d01d31211..741f56a18 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HID.c
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HID.c
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #warning The HID Host mode Class driver is currently incomplete and is for preview purposes only.
-uint8_t HID_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorSize,
+uint8_t HID_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorSize,
                                 uint8_t* ConfigDescriptorData)
 	uint8_t FoundEndpoints = 0;
@@ -149,12 +149,13 @@ static uint8_t DComp_HID_Host_NextHIDInterfaceEndpoint(void* CurrentDescriptor)
 	return DESCRIPTOR_SEARCH_NotFound;
-void HID_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo)
+void HID_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo)
-uint8_t HID_Host_ReceiveReport(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo, bool ControlRequest, uint8_t* ReportID, void* Buffer)
+uint8_t HID_Host_ReceiveReport(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo, const bool ControlRequest,
+                               uint8_t* ReportID, void* Buffer)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(HIDInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return false;
@@ -207,7 +208,8 @@ uint8_t HID_Host_ReceiveReport(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo, bool
-uint8_t HID_Host_SendReport(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo, uint8_t ReportID, void* Buffer, uint16_t ReportSize)
+uint8_t HID_Host_SendReport(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo, uint8_t ReportID, void* Buffer,
+                            const uint16_t ReportSize)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(HIDInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return false;
@@ -247,7 +249,7 @@ uint8_t HID_Host_SendReport(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo, uint8_t
-bool HID_Host_IsReportReceived(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo)
+bool HID_Host_IsReportReceived(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(HIDInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return false;
@@ -264,7 +266,7 @@ bool HID_Host_IsReportReceived(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo)
 	return ReportReceived;
-uint8_t USB_HID_Host_SetBootProtocol(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo)
+uint8_t USB_HID_Host_SetBootProtocol(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo)
 	uint8_t ErrorCode;
@@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ uint8_t USB_HID_Host_SetBootProtocol(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo)
 	return HOST_SENDCONTROL_Successful;
-uint8_t USB_HID_Host_SetReportProtocol(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo)
+uint8_t USB_HID_Host_SetReportProtocol(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo)
 	uint8_t ErrorCode;
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HID.h b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HID.h
index 230930a5c..a8865a5c1 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HID.h
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HID.h
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
 			 *  \param[in,out] HIDInterfaceInfo  Pointer to a structure containing a HID Class host configuration and state
-			void HID_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			void HID_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Host interface configuration routine, to configure a given HID host interface instance using the Configuration
 			 *  Descriptor read from an attached USB device. This function automatically updates the given HID Host instance's
@@ -137,12 +137,12 @@
 			 *        to either the \ref USB_HID_Host_SetBootProtocol() or \ref USB_HID_Host_SetReportProtocol() function.
 			 *  \param[in,out] HIDInterfaceInfo  Pointer to a structure containing a HID Class host configuration and state
-			 *  \param[in] ConfigDescriptorLength  Length of the attached device's Configuration Descriptor
+			 *  \param[in] ConfigDescriptorSize  Length of the attached device's Configuration Descriptor
 			 *  \param[in] DeviceConfigDescriptor  Pointer to a buffer containing the attached device's Configuration Descriptor
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref HIDHost_EnumerationFailure_ErrorCodes_t enum
-			uint8_t HID_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorLength,
+			uint8_t HID_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorSize,
 			                                uint8_t* DeviceConfigDescriptor) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
 			 *  \return An error code from the \ref USB_Host_SendControlErrorCodes_t enum if the ControlRequest flag is set,
 			 *          a value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum otherwise
-			uint8_t HID_Host_ReceiveReport(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo, bool ControlRequest, uint8_t* ReportID,
+			uint8_t HID_Host_ReceiveReport(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo, const bool ControlRequest, uint8_t* ReportID,
 			                               void* Buffer) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
 			/** Sends an OUT report to the currently attached HID device, using the device's OUT pipe if available or the device's
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@
 			 *  \return An error code from the \ref USB_Host_SendControlErrorCodes_t enum if the DeviceUsesOUTPipe flag is set in
 			 *          the interface's state structure, a value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum otherwise
-			uint8_t HID_Host_SendReport(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo, uint8_t ReportID,
-			                            void* Buffer, uint16_t ReportSize) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
+			uint8_t HID_Host_SendReport(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t ReportID,
+			                            void* Buffer, const uint16_t ReportSize) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
 			/** Determines if a HID IN report has been received from the attached device on the data IN pipe.
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
 			 *  \return Boolean true if a report has been received, false otherwise
-			bool HID_Host_IsReportReceived(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			bool HID_Host_IsReportReceived(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Switches the attached HID device's reporting protocol over to the Boot Report protocol mode, on supported devices.
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
 			 *  \return \ref HID_ERROR_LOGICAL if the device does not support Boot Protocol mode, a value from the
 			 *          \ref USB_Host_SendControlErrorCodes_t enum otherwise
-			uint8_t USB_HID_Host_SetBootProtocol(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t USB_HID_Host_SetBootProtocol(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Switches the attached HID device's reporting protocol over to the standard Report protocol mode. This also retrieves
 			 *  and parses the device's HID report descriptor, so that the size of each report can be determined in advance.
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
 			 *          not have a valid \ref HID_ReportInfo_t structure set in its configuration, a mask of \ref HID_ERROR_LOGICAL
 			 *          and a value from the \ref HID_Parse_ErrorCodes_t otherwise
-			uint8_t USB_HID_Host_SetReportProtocol(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* HIDInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t USB_HID_Host_SetReportProtocol(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Host_t* const HIDInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 	/* Private Interface - For use in library only: */
 	#if !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HIDParser.c b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HIDParser.c
index 6c315da7a..b302a94b4 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HIDParser.c
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HIDParser.c
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ void USB_SetHIDReportItemInfo(uint8_t* ReportData, const HID_ReportItem_t* Repor
-uint16_t USB_GetHIDReportSize(HID_ReportInfo_t* const ParserData, uint8_t ReportID, uint8_t ReportType)
+uint16_t USB_GetHIDReportSize(HID_ReportInfo_t* const ParserData, const uint8_t ReportID, const uint8_t ReportType)
 	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < HID_MAX_REPORT_IDS; i++)
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HIDParser.h b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HIDParser.h
index 74916dbb6..a2830dd30 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HIDParser.h
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/HIDParser.h
@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@
 			 *  \return Size of the report in bytes, or 0 if the report does not exist
-			uint16_t USB_GetHIDReportSize(HID_ReportInfo_t* const ParserData, uint8_t ReportID,
-			                              uint8_t ReportType) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint16_t USB_GetHIDReportSize(HID_ReportInfo_t* const ParserData, const uint8_t ReportID,
+			                              const uint8_t ReportType) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Callback routine for the HID Report Parser. This callback <b>must</b> be implemented by the user code when
 			 *  the parser is used, to determine what report IN, OUT and FEATURE item's information is stored into the user
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/MassStorage.c b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/MassStorage.c
index ead7768d6..047685cce 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/MassStorage.c
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/MassStorage.c
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 #include "MassStorage.h"
-uint8_t MS_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorLength,
+uint8_t MS_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorSize,
 							   uint8_t* DeviceConfigDescriptor)
 	uint8_t FoundEndpoints = 0;
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ uint8_t MS_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint16_
 	if (DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(DeviceConfigDescriptor) != DTYPE_Configuration)
 	  return MS_ENUMERROR_InvalidConfigDescriptor;
-	if (USB_GetNextDescriptorComp(&ConfigDescriptorLength, &DeviceConfigDescriptor,
+	if (USB_GetNextDescriptorComp(&ConfigDescriptorSize, &DeviceConfigDescriptor,
 	                              DComp_NextMSInterface) != DESCRIPTOR_SEARCH_COMP_Found)
 		return MS_ENUMERROR_NoMSInterfaceFound;
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ uint8_t MS_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint16_
 	while (FoundEndpoints != (MS_FOUND_DATAPIPE_IN | MS_FOUND_DATAPIPE_OUT))
-		if (USB_GetNextDescriptorComp(&ConfigDescriptorLength, &DeviceConfigDescriptor,
+		if (USB_GetNextDescriptorComp(&ConfigDescriptorSize, &DeviceConfigDescriptor,
 		                              DComp_NextMSInterfaceEndpoint) != DESCRIPTOR_SEARCH_COMP_Found)
 			return MS_ENUMERROR_EndpointsNotFound;
@@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ static uint8_t DComp_NextMSInterfaceEndpoint(void* CurrentDescriptor)
 	return DESCRIPTOR_SEARCH_NotFound;
-void MS_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo)
+void MS_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo)
-static uint8_t MS_Host_SendCommand(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, MS_CommandBlockWrapper_t* SCSICommandBlock,
+static uint8_t MS_Host_SendCommand(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, MS_CommandBlockWrapper_t* const SCSICommandBlock,
                                    void* BufferPtr)
 	uint8_t ErrorCode = PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ static uint8_t MS_Host_SendCommand(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, MS_
 	return ErrorCode;
-static uint8_t MS_Host_WaitForDataReceived(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo)
+static uint8_t MS_Host_WaitForDataReceived(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo)
 	uint16_t TimeoutMSRem = COMMAND_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS;
@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ static uint8_t MS_Host_WaitForDataReceived(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceI
 	return PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
-static uint8_t MS_Host_SendReceiveData(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo,
-                                       MS_CommandBlockWrapper_t* SCSICommandBlock, void* BufferPtr)
+static uint8_t MS_Host_SendReceiveData(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo,
+                                       MS_CommandBlockWrapper_t* const SCSICommandBlock, void* BufferPtr)
 	uint8_t  ErrorCode = PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
 	uint16_t BytesRem  = SCSICommandBlock->DataTransferLength;
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ static uint8_t MS_Host_SendReceiveData(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo,
 	return ErrorCode;
-static uint8_t MS_Host_GetReturnedStatus(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo,
-                                         MS_CommandStatusWrapper_t* SCSICommandStatus)
+static uint8_t MS_Host_GetReturnedStatus(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo,
+                                         MS_CommandStatusWrapper_t* const SCSICommandStatus)
 	uint8_t ErrorCode = PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ static uint8_t MS_Host_GetReturnedStatus(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInf
 	return ErrorCode;
-uint8_t MS_Host_ResetMSInterface(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo)
+uint8_t MS_Host_ResetMSInterface(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(MSInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return HOST_SENDCONTROL_DeviceDisconnect;
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ uint8_t MS_Host_ResetMSInterface(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo)
 	return USB_Host_SendControlRequest(NULL);
-uint8_t MS_Host_GetMaxLUN(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t* MaxLUNIndex)
+uint8_t MS_Host_GetMaxLUN(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t* const MaxLUNIndex)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(MSInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return HOST_SENDCONTROL_DeviceDisconnect;
@@ -330,7 +330,8 @@ uint8_t MS_Host_GetMaxLUN(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t* Max
 	return ErrorCode;
-uint8_t MS_Host_GetInquiryData(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex, SCSI_Inquiry_Response_t* InquiryData)
+uint8_t MS_Host_GetInquiryData(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex,
+                               SCSI_Inquiry_Response_t* const InquiryData)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(MSInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return HOST_SENDCONTROL_DeviceDisconnect;
@@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ uint8_t MS_Host_GetInquiryData(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t
 	return PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
-uint8_t MS_Host_TestUnitReady(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex)
+uint8_t MS_Host_TestUnitReady(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(MSInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return HOST_SENDCONTROL_DeviceDisconnect;
@@ -402,8 +403,8 @@ uint8_t MS_Host_TestUnitReady(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t
 	return PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
-uint8_t MS_Host_ReadDeviceCapacity(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex,
-                                   SCSI_Capacity_t* DeviceCapacity)
+uint8_t MS_Host_ReadDeviceCapacity(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex,
+                                   SCSI_Capacity_t* const DeviceCapacity)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(MSInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return HOST_SENDCONTROL_DeviceDisconnect;
@@ -446,8 +447,8 @@ uint8_t MS_Host_ReadDeviceCapacity(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uin
 	return PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
-uint8_t MS_Host_RequestSense(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex,
-                             SCSI_Request_Sense_Response_t* SenseData)
+uint8_t MS_Host_RequestSense(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex,
+                             SCSI_Request_Sense_Response_t* const SenseData)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(MSInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return HOST_SENDCONTROL_DeviceDisconnect;
@@ -483,7 +484,8 @@ uint8_t MS_Host_RequestSense(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t L
 	return PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
-uint8_t MS_Host_PreventAllowMediumRemoval(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex, bool PreventRemoval)
+uint8_t MS_Host_PreventAllowMediumRemoval(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex,
+                                          const bool PreventRemoval)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(MSInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return HOST_SENDCONTROL_DeviceDisconnect;
@@ -519,8 +521,8 @@ uint8_t MS_Host_PreventAllowMediumRemoval(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceIn
 	return PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
-uint8_t MS_Host_ReadDeviceBlocks(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex, uint32_t BlockAddress,
-                                 uint8_t Blocks, uint16_t BlockSize, void* BlockBuffer)
+uint8_t MS_Host_ReadDeviceBlocks(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex, const uint32_t BlockAddress,
+                                 const uint8_t Blocks, const uint16_t BlockSize, void* BlockBuffer)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(MSInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return HOST_SENDCONTROL_DeviceDisconnect;
@@ -560,8 +562,8 @@ uint8_t MS_Host_ReadDeviceBlocks(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8
 	return PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
-uint8_t MS_Host_WriteDeviceBlocks(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex, uint32_t BlockAddress,
-                                  uint8_t Blocks, uint16_t BlockSize, void* BlockBuffer)
+uint8_t MS_Host_WriteDeviceBlocks(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex, const uint32_t BlockAddress,
+                                  const uint8_t Blocks, const uint16_t BlockSize, void* BlockBuffer)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(MSInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return HOST_SENDCONTROL_DeviceDisconnect;
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/MassStorage.h b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/MassStorage.h
index 2395fcf1f..a65a352c1 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/MassStorage.h
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/MassStorage.h
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
 			 *  \param[in,out] MSInterfaceInfo  Pointer to a structure containing an MS Class host configuration and state
-			void MS_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			void MS_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Host interface configuration routine, to configure a given Mass Storage host interface instance using the
 			 *  Configuration Descriptor read from an attached USB device. This function automatically updates the given Mass
@@ -188,12 +188,12 @@
 			 *  the host state machine is in the Addressed state.
 			 *  \param[in,out] MSInterfaceInfo  Pointer to a structure containing an MS Class host configuration and state
-			 *  \param[in] ConfigDescriptorLength  Length of the attached device's Configuration Descriptor
+			 *  \param[in] ConfigDescriptorSize  Length of the attached device's Configuration Descriptor
 			 *  \param[in] DeviceConfigDescriptor  Pointer to a buffer containing the attached device's Configuration Descriptor
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref MSHost_EnumerationFailure_ErrorCodes_t enum
-			uint8_t MS_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorLength,
+			uint8_t MS_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorSize,
 			                               uint8_t* DeviceConfigDescriptor) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
 			/** Sends a MASS STORAGE RESET control request to the attached device, resetting the Mass Storage Interface
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref USB_Host_SendControlErrorCodes_t enum
-			uint8_t MS_Host_ResetMSInterface(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t MS_Host_ResetMSInterface(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Sends a GET MAX LUN control request to the attached device, retrieving the index of the highest LUN (Logical
 			 *  UNit, a logical drive) in the device. This value can then be used in the other functions of the Mass Storage
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref USB_Host_SendControlErrorCodes_t enum
-			uint8_t MS_Host_GetMaxLUN(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t* MaxLUNIndex) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 2);
+			uint8_t MS_Host_GetMaxLUN(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t* const MaxLUNIndex) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 2);
 			/** Retrieves the Mass Storage device's inquiry data for the specified LUN, indicating the device characteristics and
 			 *  properties.
@@ -225,8 +225,8 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum or MS_ERROR_LOGICAL_CMD_FAILED
-			uint8_t MS_Host_GetInquiryData(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex,
-			                               SCSI_Inquiry_Response_t* InquiryData) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
+			uint8_t MS_Host_GetInquiryData(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex,
+			                               SCSI_Inquiry_Response_t* const InquiryData) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
 			/** Sends a TEST UNIT READY command to the device, to determine if it is ready to accept other SCSI commands.
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum or MS_ERROR_LOGICAL_CMD_FAILED if not ready
-			uint8_t MS_Host_TestUnitReady(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t MS_Host_TestUnitReady(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Retrieves the total capacity of the attached USB Mass Storage device, in blocks, and block size.
@@ -245,8 +245,8 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum or MS_ERROR_LOGICAL_CMD_FAILED if not ready
-			uint8_t MS_Host_ReadDeviceCapacity(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex,
-			                                   SCSI_Capacity_t* DeviceCapacity) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
+			uint8_t MS_Host_ReadDeviceCapacity(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex,
+			                                   SCSI_Capacity_t* const DeviceCapacity) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
 			/** Retrieves the device sense data, indicating the current device state and error codes for the previously
 			 *  issued command.
@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum or MS_ERROR_LOGICAL_CMD_FAILED if not ready
-			uint8_t MS_Host_RequestSense(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex,
-			                             SCSI_Request_Sense_Response_t* SenseData) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
+			uint8_t MS_Host_RequestSense(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex,
+			                             SCSI_Request_Sense_Response_t* const SenseData) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
 			/** Issues a PREVENT MEDIUM REMOVAL command, to logically (or, depending on the type of device, physically) lock
 			 *  the device from removal so that blocks of data on the medium can be read or altered.
@@ -269,8 +269,8 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum or MS_ERROR_LOGICAL_CMD_FAILED if not ready
-			uint8_t MS_Host_PreventAllowMediumRemoval(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex,
-			                                          bool PreventRemoval) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t MS_Host_PreventAllowMediumRemoval(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex,
+			                                          const bool PreventRemoval) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Reads blocks of data from the attached Mass Storage device's medium.
@@ -283,8 +283,9 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum or MS_ERROR_LOGICAL_CMD_FAILED if not ready
-			uint8_t MS_Host_ReadDeviceBlocks(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex, uint32_t BlockAddress,
-			                                 uint8_t Blocks, uint16_t BlockSize, void* BlockBuffer) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 6);
+			uint8_t MS_Host_ReadDeviceBlocks(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex,
+			                                 const uint32_t BlockAddress, const uint8_t Blocks, const uint16_t BlockSize,
+			                                 void* BlockBuffer) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 6);
 			/** Writes blocks of data to the attached Mass Storage device's medium.
@@ -297,8 +298,9 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum or MS_ERROR_LOGICAL_CMD_FAILED if not ready
-			uint8_t MS_Host_WriteDeviceBlocks(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* MSInterfaceInfo, uint8_t LUNIndex, uint32_t BlockAddress,
-			                                  uint8_t Blocks, uint16_t BlockSize, void* BlockBuffer) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 6);
+			uint8_t MS_Host_WriteDeviceBlocks(USB_ClassInfo_MS_Host_t* const MSInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t LUNIndex,
+			                                  const uint32_t BlockAddress, const uint8_t Blocks, const uint16_t BlockSize,
+			                                  void* BlockBuffer) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 6);
 	/* Private Interface - For use in library only: */
 	#if !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/StillImage.c b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/StillImage.c
index 7e3be8a81..c176310b2 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/StillImage.c
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/StillImage.c
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 #include "StillImage.h"
-uint8_t SI_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorLength,
+uint8_t SI_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorSize,
                               uint8_t* DeviceConfigDescriptor)
 	uint8_t  FoundEndpoints = 0;
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ uint8_t SI_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, uint16_
 	if (DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(DeviceConfigDescriptor) != DTYPE_Configuration)
 	  return SI_ENUMERROR_InvalidConfigDescriptor;
-	if (USB_GetNextDescriptorComp(&ConfigDescriptorLength, &DeviceConfigDescriptor,
+	if (USB_GetNextDescriptorComp(&ConfigDescriptorSize, &DeviceConfigDescriptor,
 	                              DComp_SI_Host_NextSIInterface) != DESCRIPTOR_SEARCH_COMP_Found)
 		return SI_ENUMERROR_NoSIInterfaceFound;
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ uint8_t SI_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, uint16_
-		if (USB_GetNextDescriptorComp(&ConfigDescriptorLength, &DeviceConfigDescriptor,
+		if (USB_GetNextDescriptorComp(&ConfigDescriptorSize, &DeviceConfigDescriptor,
 		                              DComp_SI_Host_NextSIInterfaceEndpoint) != DESCRIPTOR_SEARCH_COMP_Found)
 			return SI_ENUMERROR_EndpointsNotFound;
@@ -142,12 +142,12 @@ uint8_t DComp_SI_Host_NextSIInterfaceEndpoint(void* CurrentDescriptor)
 	return DESCRIPTOR_SEARCH_NotFound;
-void SI_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo)
+void SI_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo)
-static uint8_t SImage_Host_SendBlockHeader(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, SI_PIMA_Container_t* PIMAHeader)
+static uint8_t SImage_Host_SendBlockHeader(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo, SI_PIMA_Container_t* const PIMAHeader)
 	uint8_t ErrorCode;
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ static uint8_t SImage_Host_SendBlockHeader(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceI
 	return PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
-static uint8_t SImage_Host_ReceiveBlockHeader(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, SI_PIMA_Container_t* PIMAHeader)
+static uint8_t SImage_Host_ReceiveBlockHeader(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo, SI_PIMA_Container_t* const PIMAHeader)
 	uint16_t TimeoutMSRem = COMMAND_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS;
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ static uint8_t SImage_Host_ReceiveBlockHeader(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfa
 	return PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
-uint8_t SImage_Host_SendData(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, void* Buffer, uint16_t Bytes)
+uint8_t SImage_Host_SendData(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo, void* Buffer, const uint16_t Bytes)
 	uint8_t ErrorCode;
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ uint8_t SImage_Host_SendData(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, void* Buf
 	return ErrorCode;
-uint8_t SImage_Host_ReadData(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, void* Buffer, uint16_t Bytes)
+uint8_t SImage_Host_ReadData(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo, void* Buffer, const uint16_t Bytes)
 	uint8_t ErrorCode;
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ bool SImage_Host_IsEventReceived(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo)
 	return IsEventReceived;
-uint8_t SImage_Host_ReceiveEventHeader(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, SI_PIMA_Container_t* PIMAHeader)
+uint8_t SImage_Host_ReceiveEventHeader(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo, SI_PIMA_Container_t* const PIMAHeader)
 	uint8_t ErrorCode;
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ uint8_t SImage_Host_ReceiveEventHeader(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo,
 	return ErrorCode;
-uint8_t SImage_Host_OpenSession(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo)
+uint8_t SImage_Host_OpenSession(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(SIInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return HOST_SENDCONTROL_DeviceDisconnect;
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ uint8_t SImage_Host_OpenSession(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo)
 	return PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
-uint8_t SImage_Host_CloseSession(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo)
+uint8_t SImage_Host_CloseSession(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(SIInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return HOST_SENDCONTROL_DeviceDisconnect;
@@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ uint8_t SImage_Host_CloseSession(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo)
 	return PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
-uint8_t SImage_Host_SendCommand(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, uint16_t Operation,
-                                uint8_t TotalParams, uint32_t* Params)
+uint8_t SImage_Host_SendCommand(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo, const uint16_t Operation,
+                                const uint8_t TotalParams, uint32_t* Params)
 	if ((USB_HostState != HOST_STATE_Configured) || !(SIInterfaceInfo->State.IsActive))
 	  return HOST_SENDCONTROL_DeviceDisconnect;
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ uint8_t SImage_Host_SendCommand(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, uint16
 	return PIPE_RWSTREAM_NoError;
-uint8_t SImage_Host_ReceiveResponse(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo)
+uint8_t SImage_Host_ReceiveResponse(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo)
 	uint8_t ErrorCode;
 	SI_PIMA_Container_t PIMABlock;
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/StillImage.h b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/StillImage.h
index 037ae6c01..9ba10e9b9 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/StillImage.h
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Host/StillImage.h
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
 			 *  \param[in,out] SIInterfaceInfo  Pointer to a structure containing a Still Image Class host configuration and state
-			void SI_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			void SI_Host_USBTask(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Host interface configuration routine, to configure a given Still Image host interface instance using the
@@ -119,12 +119,12 @@
 			 *  the host state machine is in the Addressed state.
 			 *  \param[in,out] SIInterfaceInfo  Pointer to a structure containing a Still Image Class host configuration and state
-			 *  \param[in] ConfigDescriptorLength  Length of the attached device's Configuration Descriptor
+			 *  \param[in] ConfigDescriptorSize  Length of the attached device's Configuration Descriptor
 			 *  \param[in] DeviceConfigDescriptor  Pointer to a buffer containing the attached device's Configuration Descriptor
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref SIHost_EnumerationFailure_ErrorCodes_t enum
-			uint8_t SI_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorLength,
+			uint8_t SI_Host_ConfigurePipes(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo, uint16_t ConfigDescriptorSize,
                                            uint8_t* DeviceConfigDescriptor) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 3);
 			/** Opens a new PIMA session with the attached device. This should be used before any session-orientated PIMA commands
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum, or \ref SI_ERROR_LOGICAL_CMD_FAILED if the device
 			 *          returned a logical command failure
-			uint8_t SImage_Host_OpenSession(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t SImage_Host_OpenSession(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Closes an already opened PIMA session with the attached device. This should be used after all session-orientated
 			 *  PIMA commands have been issued to the device.
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum, or \ref SI_ERROR_LOGICAL_CMD_FAILED if the device
 			 *          returned a logical command failure
-			uint8_t SImage_Host_CloseSession(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t SImage_Host_CloseSession(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Sends a given PIMA command to the attached device, filling out the PIMA command header automatically as required.
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum, or \ref SI_ERROR_LOGICAL_CMD_FAILED if the device
 			 *          returned a logical command failure
-			uint8_t SImage_Host_SendCommand(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, uint16_t Operation, uint8_t TotalParams,
-                                            uint32_t* Params) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t SImage_Host_SendCommand(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo, const uint16_t Operation,
+			                                const uint8_t TotalParams, uint32_t* Params) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Receives and checks a response block from the attached PIMA device, once a command has been issued and all data
 			 *  associated with the command has been transferred.
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum, or \ref SI_ERROR_LOGICAL_CMD_FAILED if the device
 			 *          returned a logical command failure
-			uint8_t SImage_Host_ReceiveResponse(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			uint8_t SImage_Host_ReceiveResponse(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Indicates if the device has issued a PIMA event block to the host via the asynchronous events pipe.
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
 			 *  \return Boolean true if an event is waiting to be read, false otherwise
-			bool SImage_Host_IsEventReceived(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
+			bool SImage_Host_IsEventReceived(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1);
 			/** Receives an asynchronous event block from the device via the asynchronous events pipe.
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum, or \ref SI_ERROR_LOGICAL_CMD_FAILED if the device
 			 *          returned a logical command failure
-			uint8_t SImage_Host_ReceiveEventHeader(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo,
-				                                   SI_PIMA_Container_t* PIMAHeader) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 2);
+			uint8_t SImage_Host_ReceiveEventHeader(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo,
+				                                   SI_PIMA_Container_t* const PIMAHeader) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 2);
 			/** Sends arbitrary data to the attached device, for use in the data phase of PIMA commands which require data
 			 *  transfer beyond the regular PIMA command block parameters.
@@ -198,7 +198,8 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum
-			uint8_t SImage_Host_SendData(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, void* Buffer, uint16_t Bytes) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 2);
+			uint8_t SImage_Host_SendData(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo, void* Buffer,
+			                             const uint16_t Bytes) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 2);
 			/** Receives arbitrary data from the attached device, for use in the data phase of PIMA commands which require data
 			 *  transfer beyond the regular PIMA command block parameters.
@@ -209,7 +210,8 @@
 			 *  \return A value from the \ref Pipe_Stream_RW_ErrorCodes_t enum
-			uint8_t SImage_Host_ReadData(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* SIInterfaceInfo, void* Buffer, uint16_t Bytes) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 2);
+			uint8_t SImage_Host_ReadData(USB_ClassInfo_SI_Host_t* const SIInterfaceInfo, void* Buffer,
+			                             const uint16_t Bytes) ATTR_NON_NULL_PTR_ARG(1, 2);
 	/* Private Interface - For use in library only: */
 	#if !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/LowLevel/Pipe.c b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/LowLevel/Pipe.c
index 58d7343b0..400cc5f02 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/LowLevel/Pipe.c
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/LowLevel/Pipe.c
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ void Pipe_ClearPipes(void)
-bool Pipe_IsEndpointBound(uint8_t EndpointAddress)
+bool Pipe_IsEndpointBound(const uint8_t EndpointAddress)
 	uint8_t PrevPipeNumber = Pipe_GetCurrentPipe();
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/LowLevel/Pipe.h b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/LowLevel/Pipe.h
index fd01b5c58..25ca94b82 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/LowLevel/Pipe.h
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/LowLevel/Pipe.h
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@
 			 *  \return Boolean true if a pipe bound to the given endpoint address is found, false otherwise
-			bool Pipe_IsEndpointBound(uint8_t EndpointAddress);
+			bool Pipe_IsEndpointBound(const uint8_t EndpointAddress);
 			/** Reads and discards the given number of bytes from the pipe, discarding fully read packets from the host
 			 *  as needed. The last packet is not automatically discarded once the remaining bytes has been read; the