From 9ffeac6992774224ebc279e346f99d5ed725bcd9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dean Camera <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 16:15:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update code and StaticAnlysisTest so that missingInclude
 warnings do not have to be suppressed, and so that all code except for third
 party libraries can be checked.

Update SingleUSBModeTest makefile to separate out the messages from the test commands.
 .../HID/HostLoaderApp/hid_bootloader_cli.c    |  3 +-
 BuildTests/ModuleTest/makefile                | 20 +++++------
 BuildTests/SingleUSBModeTest/makefile         | 36 ++++++++++---------
 BuildTests/StaticAnalysisTest/makefile        | 31 ++++++++++++----
 Projects/XPLAINBridge/XPLAINBridge.h          |  5 +--
 5 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Bootloaders/HID/HostLoaderApp/hid_bootloader_cli.c b/Bootloaders/HID/HostLoaderApp/hid_bootloader_cli.c
index 4fd6ccf1f..200f40682 100644
--- a/Bootloaders/HID/HostLoaderApp/hid_bootloader_cli.c
+++ b/Bootloaders/HID/HostLoaderApp/hid_bootloader_cli.c
@@ -195,7 +195,9 @@ usb_dev_handle * open_usb_device(int vid, int pid)
 	struct usb_bus *bus;
 	struct usb_device *dev;
 	usb_dev_handle *h;
 	char buf[128];
+	#endif
 	int r;
@@ -390,7 +392,6 @@ int write_usb_device(HANDLE h, void *buf, int len, int timeout)
 		if (r != WAIT_OBJECT_0) return 0;
 	if (!GetOverlappedResult(h, &ov, &n, FALSE)) return 0;
-	if (n <= 0) return 0;
 	return 1;
diff --git a/BuildTests/ModuleTest/makefile b/BuildTests/ModuleTest/makefile
index 1930eddc1..d80e2a2ac 100644
--- a/BuildTests/ModuleTest/makefile
+++ b/BuildTests/ModuleTest/makefile
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ UC3_FAMILIES   = uc3a0256 uc3a1256 uc3a3256 uc3a4256 uc3b0256 uc3b1256
 DEVICE_FAMILIES = $(AVR8_FAMILIES:%=%.avr8) $(XMEGA_FAMILIES:%=%.xmega) $(UC3_FAMILIES:%=%.uc3)
-all: begin $(DEVICE_FAMILIES) end
+all: begin $(DEVICE_FAMILIES) clean end
 	@echo Executing build test "ModuleTest".
@@ -33,21 +33,21 @@ end:
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 clean
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 all MCU=$(@:%.avr8=%)
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 clean -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 all MCU=$(@:%.avr8=%) -s
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.xmega clean
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.xmega all MCU=$(@:%.xmega=%)
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.xmega clean -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.xmega all MCU=$(@:%.xmega=%) -s
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 clean
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 all MCU=$(@:%.uc3=%)
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 clean -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 all MCU=$(@:%.uc3=%) -s
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 clean
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.xmega clean
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 clean
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 clean -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.xmega clean -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 clean -s
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BuildTests/SingleUSBModeTest/makefile b/BuildTests/SingleUSBModeTest/makefile
index c147d6236..701a4b930 100644
--- a/BuildTests/SingleUSBModeTest/makefile
+++ b/BuildTests/SingleUSBModeTest/makefile
@@ -12,30 +12,34 @@
 # all module headers in a simple C and C++
 # application.
+all: begin compile clean end
 	@echo Executing build test "SingleUSBModeTest".
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 clean
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 LUFA_OPTS='-D USB_DEVICE_ONLY'
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 clean
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 LUFA_OPTS='-D USB_HOST_ONLY'
+	@echo Build test "SingleUSBModeTest" complete.
+	@echo
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.xmega clean
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.xmega LUFA_OPTS='-D USB_DEVICE_ONLY'
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 clean -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 LUFA_OPTS='-D USB_DEVICE_ONLY' -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 clean -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 LUFA_OPTS='-D USB_HOST_ONLY' -s
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 clean
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 LUFA_OPTS='-D USB_DEVICE_ONLY'
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 clean
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 LUFA_OPTS='-D USB_HOST_ONLY'
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.xmega clean -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.xmega LUFA_OPTS='-D USB_DEVICE_ONLY' -s
-	@echo Build test "SingleUSBModeTest" complete.
-	@echo
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 clean -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 LUFA_OPTS='-D USB_DEVICE_ONLY' -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 clean -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 LUFA_OPTS='-D USB_HOST_ONLY' -s
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 clean
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.xmega clean
-	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 clean
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.avr8 clean -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.xmega clean -s
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile.uc3 clean -s
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BuildTests/StaticAnalysisTest/makefile b/BuildTests/StaticAnalysisTest/makefile
index 44c7d5f82..8b15a7159 100644
--- a/BuildTests/StaticAnalysisTest/makefile
+++ b/BuildTests/StaticAnalysisTest/makefile
@@ -9,19 +9,36 @@
 # Static anlysis of the entire LUFA source tree, using the free cross-platform "cppcheck" tool.
 # Path to the root of the LUFA tree to scan
-LUFA_ROOT_PATH    = ../../
+LUFA_ROOT_PATH    = ../..
 # Filenames or directories (including fragments) to exclude from the analysis
-EXCLUDE_LIST      = HostLoaderApp/ FATFs/ PetiteFATFs/ uip/
+EXCLUDE_LIST      = FATFs/            \
+                    PetiteFATFs/      \
+					uip/
 # Output message template for found warnings and errors
-MESSAGE_TEMPLATE  = "{file}({line}): {severity} ({id}): {message}"
+MESSAGE_TEMPLATE  = "{file}:{line}: {severity} ({id}): {message}"
 # Checks to suppress so that generated warnings are discarded
-SUPPRESS_WARNINGS = variableScope unusedFunction missingInclude
+SUPPRESS_WARNINGS = variableScope     \
+                    unusedFunction
-	cppcheck -q --std=c99 --check-config $(EXCLUDE_LIST:%=-i%) $(LUFA_ROOT_PATH)
-	cppcheck -q -f --std=c99 --error-exitcode=1 --inline-suppr --enable=all $(SUPPRESS_WARNINGS:%=--suppress=%) --template $(MESSAGE_TEMPLATE) $(EXCLUDE_LIST:%=-i%) $(LUFA_ROOT_PATH)
+# Extra paths to search for include files
+all: begin staticcheck end
+	@echo Executing build test "StaticAnalysisTest".
+	@echo
+	@echo Build test "StaticAnalysisTest" complete.
+	@echo
+	cppcheck --quiet --inline-suppr --check-config $(SUPPRESS_WARNINGS:%=--suppress=%) --template=$(MESSAGE_TEMPLATE) $(INCLUDE_PATHS:%=-I%) $(EXCLUDE_LIST:%=-i%) $(LUFA_ROOT_PATH)
+	cppcheck --quiet --inline-suppr --error-exitcode=1 --std=c99 --force --enable=all --inconclusive $(SUPPRESS_WARNINGS:%=--suppress=%) --template=$(MESSAGE_TEMPLATE) $(INCLUDE_PATHS:%=-I%) $(EXCLUDE_LIST:%=-i%) $(LUFA_ROOT_PATH)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Projects/XPLAINBridge/XPLAINBridge.h b/Projects/XPLAINBridge/XPLAINBridge.h
index ea1b77b71..f5c86c2f4 100644
--- a/Projects/XPLAINBridge/XPLAINBridge.h
+++ b/Projects/XPLAINBridge/XPLAINBridge.h
@@ -45,9 +45,10 @@
 		#include "AVRISPDescriptors.h"
 		#include "USARTDescriptors.h"
-		#include "Lib/SoftUART.h"
+		// cppcheck-suppress missingInclude
 		#include "Lib/V2Protocol.h"
+		#include "Lib/SoftUART.h"
 		#include <LUFA/Version.h>
 		#include <LUFA/Drivers/Board/LEDs.h>