diff --git a/Demos/Host/Incomplete/BluetoothHost/BluetoothHost.c b/Demos/Host/Incomplete/BluetoothHost/BluetoothHost.c
index b7955f6ef66f17de0eb52510fad689e18f2f863f..66ed417d5d3aef40bc8405c35a9c6696ccdeefcd 100644
--- a/Demos/Host/Incomplete/BluetoothHost/BluetoothHost.c
+++ b/Demos/Host/Incomplete/BluetoothHost/BluetoothHost.c
@@ -281,9 +281,9 @@ bool Bluetooth_ChannelConnectionRequest(const uint16_t PSM)
 /** Bluetooth stack callback event for a non-signal ACL packet reception. This callback fires once a connection
  *  to a remote Bluetooth device has been made, and the remote device has sent a non-signalling ACL packet.
- *  \param[in] Data    Pointer to a buffer where the received data is stored
- *  \param[in] DataLen Length of the packet data, in bytes
- *  \param[in] Channel Bluetooth ACL data channel information structure for the packet's destination channel
+ *  \param[in] Data     Pointer to a buffer where the received data is stored
+ *  \param[in] DataLen  Length of the packet data, in bytes
+ *  \param[in] Channel  Bluetooth ACL data channel information structure for the packet's destination channel
 void Bluetooth_PacketReceived(void* Data, uint16_t DataLen, Bluetooth_Channel_t* const Channel)
diff --git a/Demos/Host/Incomplete/BluetoothHost/Lib/SDP.h b/Demos/Host/Incomplete/BluetoothHost/Lib/SDP.h
index 18592ec1c43ac05c06d85e9fffce35abf2aadc8e..c52477527e961e3e266e6d6eca9d20825cb60965 100644
--- a/Demos/Host/Incomplete/BluetoothHost/Lib/SDP.h
+++ b/Demos/Host/Incomplete/BluetoothHost/Lib/SDP.h
@@ -60,14 +60,6 @@
-		/** Convenience macro - read a pointer out of PROGMEM space.
-		 *
-		 *  \param[in] x  Address of the pointer to read
-		 *
-		 *  \return  Pointer retrieved from PROGMEM space
-		 */
-		#define pgm_read_ptr(x)                         (void*)pgm_read_word(x)
 	/* Enums: */
 		/** Data sizes for SDP Data Element headers, to indicate the size of the data contained in the element. When creating
diff --git a/Demos/Host/Incomplete/BluetoothHost/Lib/SDPServices.h b/Demos/Host/Incomplete/BluetoothHost/Lib/SDPServices.h
index dd8af6ec36314ca3fa42758b4ead056a9c3fdc43..afa8e0024eee4f43aca06fb6045f103bb68f7734 100644
--- a/Demos/Host/Incomplete/BluetoothHost/Lib/SDPServices.h
+++ b/Demos/Host/Incomplete/BluetoothHost/Lib/SDPServices.h
@@ -58,26 +58,7 @@
 		#define SDP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_SERVICENAME            0x0100
-		/** Swaps the byte ordering of a 16-bit value at compile time. Do not use this macro for swapping byte orderings
-		 *  of dynamic values computed at runtime -- use SwapEndian_16() instead.
-		 *
-		 *  \param[in]  x  16-bit value whose byte ordering is to be swapped
-		 *
-		 *  \return Input value with the byte ordering reversed
-		 */
-		#define SWAPENDIAN_16(x)                        ((((x) & 0xFF00) >> 8) | (((x) & 0x00FF) << 8))
-		/** Swaps the byte ordering of a 32-bit value at compile time. Do not use this macro for swapping byte orderings
-		 *  of dynamic values computed at runtime -- use SwapEndian_32() instead.
-		 *
-		 *  \param[in]  x  32-bit value whose byte ordering is to be swapped
-		 *
-		 *  \return Input value with the byte ordering reversed
-		 */
-		#define SWAPENDIAN_32(x)                        ((((x) & 0xFF000000UL) >> 24UL) | (((x) & 0x00FF0000UL) >> 8UL) | \
-		                                                 (((x) & 0x0000FF00UL) << 8UL) | (((x) & 0x000000FFUL) << 24UL))
 		/** Terminator for a service attribute table of type \ref ServiceAttributeTable_t. */
diff --git a/LUFA/Common/Common.h b/LUFA/Common/Common.h
index fa9a10f3c270328a129f9cef80fe98ffef3541ff..7fd15554c28b092e75bcc14e89115fa616a9740c 100644
--- a/LUFA/Common/Common.h
+++ b/LUFA/Common/Common.h
@@ -107,10 +107,45 @@
 			 *  \ingroup Group_Debugging
-			#define STDOUT_ASSERT(x) MACROS{ if (!(x)) { printf_P(PSTR("%s: Function \"%s\", Line %d: "   \
+			#define STDOUT_ASSERT(x)        MACROS{ if (!(x)) { printf_P(PSTR("%s: Function \"%s\", Line %d: "   \
 			                                             "Assertion \"%s\" failed.\r\n"),     \
-			                                             __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, #x); } \
-			                                }MACROE
+			                                             __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, #x); } }MACROE
+			#if !defined(pgm_read_ptr) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+				/** Reads a pointer out of PROGMEM space. This is currently a wrapper for the avr-libc pgm_read_ptr()
+				 *  macro with a void* cast, so that its value can be assigned diretly to a pointer variable or used
+				 *  in pointer arithmetic without further casting in C. In a future avr-libc distribution this will be
+				 *  part of the standard API and will be implemented in a more formal manner.
+				 *
+				 *  \param[in] Addr  Address of the pointer to read.
+				 *
+				 *  \return Pointer retrieved from PROGMEM space.
+				 */
+				#define pgm_read_ptr(Addr)    (void*)pgm_read_word(Addr)
+			#endif
+			/** Swaps the byte ordering of a 16-bit value at compile time. Do not use this macro for swapping byte orderings
+			 *  of dynamic values computed at runtime, use \ref SwapEndian_16() instead. The result of this macro can be used
+			 *  inside struct or other variable initializers outside of a function, something that is not possible with the
+			 *  inline function variant.
+			 *
+			 *  \param[in]  x  16-bit value whose byte ordering is to be swapped.
+			 *
+			 *  \return Input value with the byte ordering reversed.
+			 */
+			#define SWAPENDIAN_16(x)          ((((x) & 0xFF00) >> 8) | (((x) & 0x00FF) << 8))
+			/** Swaps the byte ordering of a 32-bit value at compile time. Do not use this macro for swapping byte orderings
+			 *  of dynamic values computed at runtime- use \ref SwapEndian_32() instead. The result of this macro can be used
+			 *  inside struct or other variable initializers outside of a function, something that is not possible with the
+			 *  inline function variant.
+			 *
+			 *  \param[in]  x  32-bit value whose byte ordering is to be swapped.
+			 *
+			 *  \return Input value with the byte ordering reversed.
+			 */
+			#define SWAPENDIAN_32(x)          ((((x) & 0xFF000000UL) >> 24UL) | (((x) & 0x00FF0000UL) >> 8UL) | \
+			                                   (((x) & 0x0000FF00UL) << 8UL)  | (((x) & 0x000000FFUL) << 24UL))
 		/* Inline Functions: */
 			/** Function to reverse the individual bits in a byte - i.e. bit 7 is moved to bit 0, bit 6 to bit 1,
diff --git a/LUFA/ManPages/ChangeLog.txt b/LUFA/ManPages/ChangeLog.txt
index 9d800a613bda056fbb61fdc9cc0c4f1dab4e5c77..81209b1d78e9bb01b61fc6726e5f1744648e50be 100644
--- a/LUFA/ManPages/ChangeLog.txt
+++ b/LUFA/ManPages/ChangeLog.txt
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
   *  - Added new ADC_DisableChannel() function (thanks to Mich Davis)
   *  - Added new VTARGET_REF_VOLTS and VTARGET_SCALE_FACTOR compile time defines to the AVRISP-MKII programmer project to set
   *    the VTARGET reference voltage and scale factor
+  *  - Added new pgm_read_ptr() macro to Common.h for reading of pointers out of flash memory space
+  *  - Added new SWAPENDIAN_16() and SWAPENDIAN_32() macros to Common.h for statically initialized variables at compile time
   *  <b>Changed:</b>
   *  - The RingBuff library code has been replaced in the XPLAINBridge, Benito and USBtoSerial projects with an ultra lightweight