* Created by aghassaei on 1/29/15.
//a class to store global app state, model for navbar and menu wrapper
//last tab that one open in each of the main menus
lastDesignTab: "lattice",
lastSimulationTab: "physics",
lastAssembleTab: "assembler",
allCellTypes: {octa:"Octahedron", cube:"Cube"},
allConnectionTypes: {
octa: {face:"Face", freeformFace:"Freeform Face", edge:"Edge", edgeRot:"Rotated Edge", vertex:"Vertex"},
freeformFace: {triangle:"Triangle", default:"Default"},
edge: {triangle:"Triangle", default:"Default"},
edgeRot: {triangle:"Triangle", default:"Default"},
vertex: {square:"Square", xShape:"X", default:"Default"}
menuIsVisible: true,
//key bindings
shift: false,
deleteMode: false,
extrudeMode: false
_.bindAll(this, "_handleKeyStroke");
//bind events
$(document).bind('keydown', {state:true}, this._handleKeyStroke);
$(document).bind('keyup', {state:false}, this._handleKeyStroke);
this.listenTo(this, "change:currentTab", this._storeTab);
this.listenTo(this, "change:currentNav", this._updateCurrentTabForNav);
this.listenTo(this, "change:currentTab", this._updateCellMode);
this.lattice = options.lattice;//this doesn't need to be tracked for changes
this.downKeys = {};//track keypresses to prevent repeat keystrokeson hold
_storeTab: function(){
var currentNav = this.get("currentNav");
var currentTab = this.get("currentTab");
if (currentNav == "navDesign") this.set("lastDesignTab", currentTab);
else if (currentNav == "navSim") this.set("lastSimulationTab", currentTab);
else if (currentNav == "navAssemble") this.set("lastAssembleTab", currentTab);
if (currentTab == "lattice") this.lattice.set("cellMode", "cell");
else if (currentTab == "import") this.lattice.set("cellMode", "cell");
else if (currentTab == "sketch") this.lattice.set("cellMode", "cell");
else if (currentTab == "part") this.lattice.set("cellMode", "part");
//update to last tab open in that section
_updateCurrentTabForNav: function(){
var navSelection = this.get("currentNav");
if (navSelection == "navDesign") this.set("currentTab",
this.get("lastDesignTab"), {silent:true});
else if (navSelection == "navSim") this.set("currentTab",
this.get("lastSimulationTab"), {silent:true});
else if (navSelection == "navAssemble") this.set("currentTab",
this.get("lastAssembleTab"), {silent:true});
this._updateCellMode();//a little bit hacky, this updates the cell mode, but holds off on updating the menus til the animation has happened
/////////////////////KEY BINDINGS//////////////////////////////////////////////
_handleKeyStroke: function(e){//receives keyup and keydown
if ($("input").is(':focus')) return;//we are typing in an input
var state =;
var currentTab = this.get("currentTab");
if (this.downKeys[e.keyCode]) return;
this.downKeys[e.keyCode] = true;
case 16://shift
this.set("shift", state);
if (this.get("cellMode") == "cell") this.set("deleteMode", state);//only for cell mode
else this.set("deleteMode", false);
case 69://e
// if (currentTab != "sketch") return;
this.set("extrudeMode", state);
var cellMode = this.lattice.get("cellMode");
if (cellMode == "part") this.lattice.set("cellMode", "cell");
else if (cellMode == "cell") this.lattice.set("cellMode", "part");
case 73://i inverse mode
this.lattice.set("inverseMode", !this.lattice.get("inverseMode"));
if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey){//command
if (e.shiftKey){
} else {
case 79://o open
if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey){//command