Amanda Ghassaei authoredAmanda Ghassaei authored
DMASuperCell.js 4.89 KiB
* Created by aghassaei on 6/1/15.
define(['underscore', 'three', 'threeModel', 'lattice', 'appState', 'cell'],
function(_, THREE, three, lattice, appState, DMACell){
function DMASuperCell(json, superCell){//supercells might have supercells
this.cells = true;//flag for now
DMACell.call(this, json, superCell);
var range;
var material = this.getMaterial();
if (material.cellsMax) range = (new THREE.Vector3(1,1,1)).add(material.cellsMax).sub(material.cellsMin);
else range = this._getSuperCellRange();
this.cells = this._makeChildCells(range, material);
DMACell.prototype.setMode.call(this, null, function(){
});//don't pass a call down to children again
DMASuperCell.prototype = Object.create(DMACell.prototype);
DMASuperCell.prototype._getSuperCellRange = function(){//override in gik super cell
return appState.get("superCellRange").clone();
DMASuperCell.prototype._makeChildCells = function(range, material){
var cells = [];
for (var x=0;x<range.x;x++){
for (var y=0;y<range.y;y++){
for (var z=0;z<range.z;z++){
//child cells add themselves to object3D
var json = {index: new THREE.Vector3(x,y,z)};
var callback = function(cell){
var cellIndex = cell.getIndex();//x,y,z have changed by now
cells[cellIndex.x][cellIndex.y][cellIndex.z] = cell;
if (material.sparseCells){
if (material.sparseCells[x][y][z]){
json = _.extend(json, material.sparseCells[x][y][z]);
this._makeSubCellForIndex(json, callback);
}//else no cell in this spot
} else {//if not from composite definition, add subcell at all possible indices in supercell range
this._makeSubCellForIndex(json, callback);
return cells;
DMASuperCell.prototype._makeSubCellForIndex = function(json, callback){
var subclassFile = lattice.getCellSubclassFile();
if (json.materialName && json.materialName.substr(0,5) == "super") subclassFile = "compositeCell";
var self = this;
require([subclassFile], function(CellSubclass){
var cell = new CellSubclass(json, self);
if (callback) callback(cell);
DMASuperCell.prototype._getMeshName = function(){
return "supercell";
DMASuperCell.prototype.setMode = function(mode, callback){
var self = this;
DMACell.prototype.setMode.call(this, mode, function(){
var numChildren = _.filter(self.object3D.children, function(child){
return child.name == "object3D";
}).length;//todo this is weird
if (cell) cell.setMode(mode, function(){
if (--numChildren <= 0) {
if (callback) {
DMASuperCell.prototype._isMiddleLayer = function(){
return this.superCell !== null && this.superCell !== undefined;
DMASuperCell.prototype._isTopLayerCell = function(){
return false;
DMASuperCell.prototype._loopCells = function(callback){
var cells = this.cells;
if (!cells || cells === undefined) return;
for (var x=0;x<cells.length;x++){
for (var y=0;y<cells[0].length;y++){
for (var z=0;z<cells[0][0].length;z++){
callback(cells[x][y][z], x, y, z, this);
DMASuperCell.prototype._iterCells = function(callback){
var cells = this.cells;
_.each(cells, function(cellLayer){
_.each(cellLayer, function(cellColumn){
_.each(cellColumn, function(cell){
callback(cell, cellColumn, cellLayer);
DMASuperCell.prototype.destroy = function(){
if (cell) {
cell = null;
this.cells = null;
DMASuperCell.prototype.destroyParts = function(){
if (cell) cell.destroyParts();
return DMASuperCell;