Amanda Ghassaei authoredAmanda Ghassaei authored
OctaBasePlane.js 3.62 KiB
* Created by aghassaei on 6/2/15.
define(['baseplane', 'lattice', 'threeModel'], function(BasePlane, lattice, three){
return BasePlane.extend({
_makeBasePlaneMesh: function(){
var geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
geometry.vertices = this._calcOctaFaceVertices(0.0);
var faces = geometry.faces;
var dimX = this.get("dimX");
var dimY = this.get("dimY");
var currentOffset = 0;
for (var j=-dimX;j<=dimX;j++){
for (var i=-dimY;i<=dimY;i++){
if (j == -dimX || i == -dimY) continue;
if (Math.abs(j)%2==1){
faces.push(new THREE.Face3(3*currentOffset-4, 3*currentOffset-8-6*dimY, 3*currentOffset-6-6*dimY));//pt, base, base
} else {
faces.push(new THREE.Face3(3*currentOffset-1, 3*currentOffset-8-6*dimY, 3*currentOffset-6-6*dimY));//pt, base, base
return [new THREE.Mesh(geometry, this.get("material"))];
getType: function(){//todo hack from freeform octa, get rid of this eventually
return "octa";
_renderZIndexChange: function(){
var zIndex = this.get("zIndex");
var xScale = lattice.xScale();
var yScale = lattice.yScale();
var zScale = lattice.zScale();
_.each(this.get("mesh"), function(mesh){
mesh.position.set(xScale*(zIndex%2)/2, -yScale/3*(zIndex%2), zIndex*zScale);
_calcOctaFaceVertices: function(xySep){
var vertices = [];
var xScale = lattice.xScale();
var yScale = lattice.yScale();
var dimX = this.get("dimX");
var dimY = this.get("dimY");
var baseVertOffset = xySep/Math.sqrt(3);
var pointVertOffset = 2*baseVertOffset;
var horizontalOffset = xySep;
for (var j=-dimX;j<=dimX;j++){
for (var i=-dimY;i<=dimY;i++){
var xOffset = 0;
if (Math.abs(j)%2!=0) {
xOffset = 1/2*xScale;
vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(i*xScale + xOffset - horizontalOffset, j*yScale + baseVertOffset, 0));
vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(i*xScale + xOffset + horizontalOffset, j*yScale + baseVertOffset, 0));
vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(i*xScale + xOffset, j*yScale - pointVertOffset, 0));
return vertices;
updateXYSeparation: function(xySep){
var geometry = this.get("mesh")[0].geometry;
geometry.vertices = this._calcOctaFaceVertices(xySep);
geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
calcHighlighterPosition: function(face, position){
position.z = 0;
var index = lattice.getIndexForPosition(position);
if (index.z%2 != 0) index.x -= 1;
index.z = this.get("zIndex") - 1;//pretend we're on the top of the cell underneath the baseplane
var position = lattice.getPositionForIndex(index);
position.z += lattice.zScale()/2;
this.index = new THREE.Vector3(index.x, index.y, index.z);//todo no!!!
return {index: index, direction: new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1), position:position};