@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ I also managed to source cylinder and ring magnets of the appropriate dimensions
I designed the AS5013 daughter boards, using it as a chance to try the new integration of Eagle and Fusion360. It's still pretty rough, but I like where it's headed, and it was certainly useful for this purpose. I just grabbed the PCB outline geometry from Fusion, layed out my board in Eagle and pushed the changes back to Fusion to visualize the 3D circuit board in the context of my assembly. Below are both views. Pretty slick for "hobbyist cad"... My only complaints are that the appearances are a little rough in Fusion (the via pads don't really overlap...) and the syncing process can be a little buggy.
I'm sending out for a run of these boards which should allow me to experiment with calibration and measurement, both for the 6 DOF configuration, as well as others.