- Aug 05, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Dean Camera authored
Renamed all library events to properly seperate out Device and Host mode events. Changed the firing conditions for some events to ensure that events are fired by their own USB mode only. Remove VBUS events - not needed as the library takes care of VBUS detection and feedback on supported AVRs via the USB_Device_Connected and USB_Device_Disconnected events. Fixed incorrect Host state assignment in the incomplete BluetoothHost demo.
- Aug 03, 2009
Dean Camera authored
- Jul 27, 2009
Dean Camera authored
State information for class drivers is now zeroed out during enumeration (both in device and host mode) to ensure sane values after each enumeration. User code should no longer explicitly set state information as this is no longer preserved.
- Jul 21, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Added new Endpoint_ClearStatusStage() convenience function to assist with the status stages of control transfers. Removed vague USB_IsConnected global - test USB_DeviceState or USB_HostState explicitly to gain previous functionality. Removed USB_IsSuspended global - test USB_DeviceState against DEVICE_STATE_Suspended instead. Fixed possible enumeration errors from spinloops which may fail to exit if the USB connection is severed before the exit condition becomes true.
- Jul 16, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Added new TOTAL_NUM_CONFIGURATIONS option, removed USE_SINGLE_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION compile time option (but silently convert it to USE_SINGLE_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION internally for compatibility). Added new USE_FLASH_DESCRIPTORS compile time option. By default, descriptors can now lie in mixed memory spaces (specified by a new parameter to the CALLBACK_USB_GetDescriptor() function) unless one of the USE_*_DESCRIPTORS compile time option is specified.
- Jun 19, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Dean Camera authored
Extend USB_GetDeviceConfigDescriptor() routine to require the configuration number within the device to fetch, to add support for multi-configuration devices.
Dean Camera authored
Re-add in simple scheduler for compatibility with legacy code, mark all scheduler related files as deprecated.
- Jun 15, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Dean Camera authored
Remove ConfigDescriptor.c/.h files from the ClassDriver Host demos, as they will be obsoleted when the Host mode class drivers are complete. Add new StillImage stub class driver common header.
- Jun 09, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Deleted Host ClassDriver demos -- not yet started, faster to rebase new ClassDriver demos from the newly schedulerless LowLevel host demos rather than re-convert each demo from the previous scheduler-based implementations. Fixes to MassStorageHost demo to improve compatibility with more USB drives.
- Jun 05, 2009
Dean Camera authored
- Jun 04, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Redocumented all device demos, now that they have changed over to the new USB class drivers. Added C linkage to class drivers for C++ support. Added prefixes to most of the class driver constants to prevent name clashes.
- May 22, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Deleted StdDescriptors.c, renamed USB_GetDescriptor() to CALLBACK_USB_GetDescriptor, moved ConfigDescriptor.c/.h from the LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/ directory to LUFA/Drivers/USB/HighLevel/ in preperation for the new USB class APIs.
- May 18, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Fixed incorrect ENDPOINT_EPNUM_MASK mask preventing endpoints above EP3 from being selected (thanks to Jonathan Oakley). Removed STREAM_CALLBACK() macro - callbacks now use regular function definitions to clarify user code. Removed DESCRIPTOR_COMPARATOR() macro - comparators should now use regular function definitions to clarify user code.
- May 17, 2009
Dean Camera authored
- May 14, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Removed all user pipe/endpoint interrupt APIs, added internal library support for interrupt driven control endpoints when in device mode by defining INTERRUPT_CONTROL_ENDPOINT token and passing it to the compiler via the -D switch.
- May 12, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Fixed Mouse and Keyboard device demos not acting in accordance with the HID specification for idle periods (thanks to Brian Dickman). Removed support for endpoint/pipe non-control interrupts; these did not act in the way users expected, and had many subtle issues.
- May 11, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Fixed bug in RNDISEthernet and DualCDC demos not using the correct USB_ControlRequest structure for control request data. Fixed documentation showing incorrect USB mode support on the supported AVRs list.
- May 06, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Changed HWB board driver to Buttons driver, to allow for the support of future boards with more than one mounted GPIO button.
- May 03, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Dean Camera authored
- Apr 24, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Endpoint configuration is now refined to give better output when all configurations have static inputs - removed the now useless STATIC_ENDPOINT_CONFIGURATION compile time token.
- Apr 23, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Fixed USB_RemoteWakeupEnabled flag never being set (the REMOTE WAKEUP Set Feature request was not being handled). Renamed the FEATURELESS_CONTROL_ONLY_DEVICE compile-time token to CONTROL_ONLY_DEVICE.
- Apr 22, 2009
Dean Camera authored
USB_HostRequest renamed to USB_ControlRequest, entire control request header is now read into USB_ControlRequest in Device mode rather than having the library pass only partially read header data to the application. The USB_UnhandledControlPacket event has had its parameters removed, in favour of accessing the new USB_ControlRequest structure. The Endpoint control stream functions now correctly send a ZLP to the host when less data than requested is sent.
- Apr 21, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Removed specialized Endpoint_ClearControl* and Pipe_ClearControl* macros in favour of the standard Endpoint_Clear* and Pipe_Clear* macros (Atmel have confirmed no effect from setting FIFOCON on control endpoints).
- Apr 20, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Changed over all deprecated GCC structure tag initializers to the standardized C99 format (thanks to Mike Alexander).
- Apr 19, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Dean Camera authored
Fixed incorrect HID interface class and subclass values in the Mouse and KeyboardMouse demos (thanks to Brian Dickman). Capitolised the "Descriptor_Search" and "Descriptor_Search_Comp" prefixes of the values in the DSearch_Return_ErrorCodes_t and DSearch_Comp_Return_ErrorCodes_t enums. Minor documentation improvements.
- Apr 17, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Removed "Host_" section of the function names in ConfigDescriptor.h, as most of the routines can now be used in device mode on the device descriptor. Renamed functions in the HID parser to have a "USB_" prefix and the acronym "HID" in the name. Further module-level documentation updates.
Dean Camera authored
Renamed Serial_Stream driver to SerialStream to remain consistent with the rest of the library's naming scheme for files.
- Apr 16, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Dean Camera authored
Fixed GenericHIDHost demo report write routine incorrect for control type requests (thanks to Andrei Krainev). Removed Endpoint_ClearCurrentBank() and Pipe_ClearCurrentBank() in favour of new Endpoint_ClearIN(), Endpoint_ClearOUT(), Endpoint_ClearControlIN(), Endpoint_ClearControlOUT(), Pipe_ClearIN(), Pipe_ClearOUT(), Pipe_ClearControlIN() and Pipe_ClearControlOUT() macros (done to allow for the detection of packets of zero length). Renamed *_ReadWriteAllowed() macros to *_IsReadWriteAllowed() to remain consistent with the rest of the LUFA API. Endpoint_IsSetupReceived() macro has been renamed to Endpoint_IsSETUPReceived(), Endpoint_ClearSetupReceived() macro has been renamed to Endpoint_ClearControlSETUP(), the Pipe_IsSetupSent() macro has been renamed to Pipe_IsSETUPSent() and the Pipe_ClearSetupSent() macro is no longer applicable and should be removed - changes made to compliment the new endpoint and pipe bank management API. Updated all demos, bootloaders and projects to use the new endpoint and pipe management APIs (thanks to Roman Thiel). Updated library doxygen documentation, added groups, changed documentation macro functions to real functions for clarity. Removed old endpoint and pipe aliased read/write/discard routines which did not have an explicit endian specifier for clarity. Removed the ButtLoadTag.h header file, as no one used for its intended purpose anyway.
- Apr 14, 2009
Dean Camera authored
The USB_Host_SendControlRequest() function no longer automatically selects the Control pipe (pipe 0), so that other control type pipes can be used with the function. The USB Host management task now saves and restores the currently selected pipe before and after the task completes.
- Apr 01, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Corrections to the KeyboardHost and MouseHost demos' pipe handling to freeze and unfreeze the data pipes at the point of use.
- Mar 31, 2009
Dean Camera authored
- Mar 29, 2009
Dean Camera authored
- Mar 27, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Add new page to the documentation listing existing LUFA powered projects, fix up some inaccuracies in the documentation.
- Mar 17, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Board Dataflash driver now allows for dataflash ICs which use different shifts for setting the current page/byte address (thanks to Kenneth Clubb).