- May 08, 2010
Dean Camera authored
Add svn:eol-style property to source files, so that the line endings are correctly converted to the target system's native end of line style.
- Apr 28, 2010
Dean Camera authored
USB_Init() no longer calls sei() to enable global interrupts - this must now be done in the user application once all init code has run.
- Apr 13, 2010
Dean Camera authored
Document the Bluetooth ACL layer. Remove unneeded parameters from the signalling command processing routines. Change over the code so that the bluetooth packet data is read in by the stack rather than the user application, to make it more unform for sending/receiving, and so the library can handle incomming fragmentation in the future. Start Service Discovery Protocol decoding and processing.
- Dec 30, 2009
Dean Camera authored
- Dec 28, 2009
Dean Camera authored
- Dec 21, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Correct TeensyHID bootloader descriptors to use the correct revision code for the ATMEGA32U4 based Teensy revision.
- Dec 18, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Dean Camera authored
Dean Camera authored
Dean Camera authored
Enhance the HotmailNotifier project so that the LEDs' individual brightness can be controlled individually via software PWM.
- Dec 17, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Add new HotmailNotifier project, which changes a LED's colour based on the user's unread email count as sent from Windows Live Messenger.
- Dec 02, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Removed John Steggall's software UART code from the XPLAIN Bridge project due to reliability issues.
- Nov 26, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Enable pullup on the PD5 pin of the AVR in the XPLAINBridge project - this is connected to the XMEGA's /RESET line, need to enable pullup to prevent spurrious resets.
- Nov 25, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Added new RNDISHost Host LowLevel demo. Fixed misnamed Pipe_SetPipeToken() macro for setting a pipe's direction. Fixed CDCHost failing on devices with bidirectional endpoints.
Dean Camera authored
- Nov 06, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Add optional double-banking support to the Device mode Class Drivers, on a per-endpoint, per-interface level.
- Aug 05, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Renamed all library events to properly seperate out Device and Host mode events. Changed the firing conditions for some events to ensure that events are fired by their own USB mode only. Remove VBUS events - not needed as the library takes care of VBUS detection and feedback on supported AVRs via the USB_Device_Connected and USB_Device_Disconnected events. Fixed incorrect Host state assignment in the incomplete BluetoothHost demo.
- Jul 27, 2009
Dean Camera authored
State information for class drivers is now zeroed out during enumeration (both in device and host mode) to ensure sane values after each enumeration. User code should no longer explicitly set state information as this is no longer preserved.
- Jun 18, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Break device mode class driver interfaces into seperate config and state structs which are then combined, for clarity. Move device mode class driver interfaces back into the device mode class driver headers from the common class headers to make room for host class interfaces.
- Jun 11, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Changed to new device mode Class Driver function name prefixes to make way for similar host mode Class drivers.
Dean Camera authored
- Jun 05, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Move new Class Driver powered demos to a new ClassDriver subdirectory, re-add old low level demos to a LowLevel subdirectory.
- Jun 04, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Redocumented all device demos, now that they have changed over to the new USB class drivers. Added C linkage to class drivers for C++ support. Added prefixes to most of the class driver constants to prevent name clashes.
- Jun 01, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Commit of new class abstraction APIs for all device demos other than the MIDI demo - not documented yet. Removed scheduler and memory allocation libraries. Added new EVENT_USB_StartOfFrame event in the library to indicate the start of each USB frame (when generated). Removed Tx interrupt from the USBtoSerial demo; now sends characters via polling to ensure more time for the Rx interrupt.
- May 18, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Fixed incorrect ENDPOINT_EPNUM_MASK mask preventing endpoints above EP3 from being selected (thanks to Jonathan Oakley). Removed STREAM_CALLBACK() macro - callbacks now use regular function definitions to clarify user code. Removed DESCRIPTOR_COMPARATOR() macro - comparators should now use regular function definitions to clarify user code.
- May 15, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Fixed CDCHost not clearing configured endpoints and resetting configured endpoints mask when a partially enumerated invalid CDC interface is skipped.
- May 11, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Fixed bug in RNDISEthernet and DualCDC demos not using the correct USB_ControlRequest structure for control request data. Fixed documentation showing incorrect USB mode support on the supported AVRs list.
- Apr 23, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Fixed USB_RemoteWakeupEnabled flag never being set (the REMOTE WAKEUP Set Feature request was not being handled). Renamed the FEATURELESS_CONTROL_ONLY_DEVICE compile-time token to CONTROL_ONLY_DEVICE.
- Apr 22, 2009
Dean Camera authored
USB_HostRequest renamed to USB_ControlRequest, entire control request header is now read into USB_ControlRequest in Device mode rather than having the library pass only partially read header data to the application. The USB_UnhandledControlPacket event has had its parameters removed, in favour of accessing the new USB_ControlRequest structure. The Endpoint control stream functions now correctly send a ZLP to the host when less data than requested is sent.
- Apr 21, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Removed specialized Endpoint_ClearControl* and Pipe_ClearControl* macros in favour of the standard Endpoint_Clear* and Pipe_Clear* macros (Atmel have confirmed no effect from setting FIFOCON on control endpoints).
- Apr 20, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Changed over all deprecated GCC structure tag initializers to the standardized C99 format (thanks to Mike Alexander).
- Apr 16, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Fixed GenericHIDHost demo report write routine incorrect for control type requests (thanks to Andrei Krainev). Removed Endpoint_ClearCurrentBank() and Pipe_ClearCurrentBank() in favour of new Endpoint_ClearIN(), Endpoint_ClearOUT(), Endpoint_ClearControlIN(), Endpoint_ClearControlOUT(), Pipe_ClearIN(), Pipe_ClearOUT(), Pipe_ClearControlIN() and Pipe_ClearControlOUT() macros (done to allow for the detection of packets of zero length). Renamed *_ReadWriteAllowed() macros to *_IsReadWriteAllowed() to remain consistent with the rest of the LUFA API. Endpoint_IsSetupReceived() macro has been renamed to Endpoint_IsSETUPReceived(), Endpoint_ClearSetupReceived() macro has been renamed to Endpoint_ClearControlSETUP(), the Pipe_IsSetupSent() macro has been renamed to Pipe_IsSETUPSent() and the Pipe_ClearSetupSent() macro is no longer applicable and should be removed - changes made to compliment the new endpoint and pipe bank management API. Updated all demos, bootloaders and projects to use the new endpoint and pipe management APIs (thanks to Roman Thiel). Updated library doxygen documentation, added groups, changed documentation macro functions to real functions for clarity. Removed old endpoint and pipe aliased read/write/discard routines which did not have an explicit endian specifier for clarity. Removed the ButtLoadTag.h header file, as no one used for its intended purpose anyway.
- Apr 13, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Fixed RNDISEthenet demo checking the incorrect message field for packet size constraints (thanks to Jonathan). Fixed WriteNextReport code in the GenericHIDHost demo using incorrect parameter types and not selecting the correct endpoint.
- Apr 07, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Added preprocessor checks and documentation to the bootloaders giving information about missing SIGNATURE_x defines due to outdated avr-libc versions.
- Apr 01, 2009
Dean Camera authored
All comments in the library, bootloaders, demos and projects have now been spell-checked and spelling mistakes/typos corrected.
- Mar 20, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Seperated out OTG, Device and Host mode demos into seperate folders for clarity. Adjusted makefiles so that the path to the LUFA library can be set in one place.
- Feb 23, 2009
Dean Camera authored