Stepper Module
Beneath the module.
Networked step driver (or) general purpose 2-H-Bridge ute. Uses module for micro / network drivers, all other parts are 0805 or similar to hand-solder easily.
2x A4950s on 2x DACs to VREF
1x AS5147 if you want to get closed-loop-fancy
RS485 input and 40W 24V into one 10-pin IDC
Voltages / VREFs etc
The A4950 VREFs are hooked up to DAC0 and DAC1.
Current limiting will be set by:
`Imax = Vref / (10 * Rs) ``
Where Rs is the sense resistor value, in this circuit its 0.2 ohms. So maximum current is 1.65A at 3.3v full DAC, all else scales. I think I set it up this way in case I was unable to set the DACs up properly, and had to turn them on full all the time.