Step 1. Research for ideas
- Watched videos about how height adjustable things work
Step 2. Scratching my ideas out on paper
- First thought: Where do I start?
- 2nd thought: Maybe I should just buy an adjustable desktop
- Balancing design with functionality
- Seeing designs take shape made me realize the design errors that weren't apparent in my mind
- I'm glad I drew in pencil
Step 3. Learning the design software "Autodesk Fusion 360"
- Observations
- Steep learning curve for someone without a CAD or Design background
- Not self explanatory
- Millions of mistakes ('control + z' and I are now best friends)
- After the initial frusteration it became fun and addicting
- After the two hours it took me to design 5 relatively simple parts I felt like I could navigate Fusion 360 relatively well on this simple level