- May 08, 2010
Dean Camera authored
Add svn:eol-style property to source files, so that the line endings are correctly converted to the target system's native end of line style.
- Feb 24, 2010
Dean Camera authored
- Feb 22, 2010
Dean Camera authored
- Feb 11, 2010
Dean Camera authored
Add more include protection macros to give the user warnings when they try to manually include private driver header files, instead of the public driver headers.
- Dec 30, 2009
Dean Camera authored
- Dec 28, 2009
Dean Camera authored
- Dec 13, 2009
Dean Camera authored
- Nov 09, 2009
Dean Camera authored
- Aug 05, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Fixed issue in USBtoSerial demos where the USART Rx line was not having its pullup enabled at startup, leading to noise being received from the Rx pin when left floating. Removed unused relative Common.h header include from the DriverStubs board stub drivers. Fixed Benito programmer, use the correct LED functions where needed to ensure correct status display at all times.
- Jul 24, 2009
Dean Camera authored
- Jun 28, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Added parameter directions to function parameter documentation. Added new experimental FAST_STREAM_FUNCTIONS compile time option to speed up stream transfers at the expense of a higher FLASH consumption (needs testing to verify improved throughput).
- May 06, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Changed HWB board driver to Buttons driver, to allow for the support of future boards with more than one mounted GPIO button.
- Apr 19, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Fixed incorrect HID interface class and subclass values in the Mouse and KeyboardMouse demos (thanks to Brian Dickman). Capitolised the "Descriptor_Search" and "Descriptor_Search_Comp" prefixes of the values in the DSearch_Return_ErrorCodes_t and DSearch_Comp_Return_ErrorCodes_t enums. Minor documentation improvements.
- Apr 01, 2009
Dean Camera authored
All comments in the library, bootloaders, demos and projects have now been spell-checked and spelling mistakes/typos corrected.
- Mar 17, 2009
Dean Camera authored
Board Dataflash driver now allows for dataflash ICs which use different shifts for setting the current page/byte address (thanks to Kenneth Clubb).
- Feb 23, 2009
Dean Camera authored